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Never On-line

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  • Long.Knight

    • Aug 2008
    • 2

    Never On-line

    I am disabled so Money is VERY tight. My building has several common access computers with high speed internet, so I just use them to download any files I need (and check my e-mail) on my home computer and transfer them via USB drive. AccurateRip sounds great exept the home page says, "Offline AccurateRip database is no longer created / maintained".

    Am I SOL or is there a way to still get the needed info to transfer? I can install files on my usb drive and then bring it down to run them from my drive (those programs that can run without having reg info or windows directory stuff installed---no admin access).

    Is there maybe an old version that still has (even an outdated) offline DB, or does someone have any solution?

    thanks Much
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44846

    Re: Never On-line

    The database grew so large to be unmanagable, it would be about 500 MB by now...


    • Long.Knight

      • Aug 2008
      • 2

      Re: Never On-line

      Unmanageable or not, :( for me (and probable others) off line is the only way... I'm just hopping there is a way... :smile2:

