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No C2 Error Detection using D8

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  • BugsBunny

    • Aug 2008
    • 27

    No C2 Error Detection using D8

    This weekend I was testing about 20 different drives I've got here at home. I was using EAC & dbpoweramp to detect drive features and did some quality tests (ability of the drives to rip of copy controled CDs / ripping degraded CDs)
    I needed to set the SCSI Pass Through Read(D8) for two drives:
    What I noticed then was that when I wanted to detect C2 support for this two drives the result was no C2 support, although these drives can read C2 errors. I've an old CD (from '83) that is nearly no longer readable and C2 errors are detected immediately for drives that support that feature. In EAC C2 Errors are supported for these two drives.
    I then tried the PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W4012S that works with both communication types. Using SCSI pass through (SPT) C2 support was working, using SCSI Pass Through Read(D8) it was not working. So it seems that SCSI Pass Through Read(D8) does not support the C2 feature at all.

    I also discovered drives where EAC said it could not find a read mode that supports C2, whereas in dbpoweramp C2 support was working:
    SONY CDU4811

    Is there a way to enable the C2 feature for the SCSI Pass Through Read(D8) mode?

    Another question:
    The Communication type cannot be set per drive, as far as I have seen, true?
    So using the batch ripper I cannot mix drives that require different communications?
    Could the communiction made a drive specific setting so I could mix drives with different modes?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: No C2 Error Detection using D8

    >Is there a way to enable the C2 feature for the SCSI Pass Through Read(D8) mode?

    No, the Plextor c2 on these drive is not compatible with modern drives.

    Correct the communication is per program, not drive.


    • bhoar
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2006
      • 1173

      Re: No C2 Error Detection using D8

      Originally posted by BugsBunny
      Another question:
      The Communication type cannot be set per drive, as far as I have seen, true?
      So using the batch ripper I cannot mix drives that require different communications?
      Could the communiction made a drive specific setting so I could mix drives with different modes?
      BB -

      I too also wish that certain settings were stored on a per-drive basis, e.g.:

      - Drive Interface (SPTI,Windows Internal,ASPI, D8)
      - Burst vs. Secure vs. Defective
      - Secure settings, including C2, cache size, rereads, abort strategy, etc.

      This is especially true in the batch ripper context, where the optimum strategy for each drive may differ.


      You have four solid plextor drives as your primary drives (c2, fua, htoa, read lead-in/lead-out) that have "good enough" C2 support, and for badly damaged discs you may also have another two drives that have "excellent" C2 support but are lacking at htoa and/or reading into lead-in/lead-out. On Inaccurate/rejects from the first four, you might just want to drop the discs into the two other drives without interrupting the flow of the batch. These two drives may have different Secure Rip Abort settings than the first four.

      Perhaps you also have another two additional ancient drives hooked up that work well at reading copy protected discs? One set to Burst and one set to Defective by Design, for use with different copy protection schemes?

      Now imagine the above, but with the first four fed by a robot, and the last two to four manually reloaded by the operator from the reject bin of the robot. That's the solution I'm looking for.



      • pablogm123
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2012
        • 86

        Re: No C2 Error Detection using D8

        ReadD8 command supports C2 pointers, but it is needed to read C2 pointers+subs simultaneously to enable C2 pointers properly in D8 mode.

        ReadD8+C2 isn't supported. ReadD8+C2+Sub96 is supported.

        PS: Sorry for bumping a old thread.

