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Newbie; need guidance on options

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  • jrlemieux

    • Jul 2008
    • 3

    Newbie; need guidance on options


    I just bought dbpoweramp reference, and I am trying to understand all the various options in the program. I read the documentation I could find, but there are options that seem totally undocumented (as far as I know, no information found with Google).

    Where I am the most confused is in the "Secure Options" windows, in the section "Secure Rip Abort". What figures should we use for these options "After Unrecoverable Frames", "When Have to Re-Rip" and "After Ripping a Track for"?

    I would thus appreciate any pointer to existing documentation on these options.

    Also, I am wondering if there is a way to clear the CD Ripper main window information. When I insert a CD that was already ripped, the program displays the status of the previous rip sesson on that CD. I do not know if this old information displayed might have an impact on the new ripping session about to be started.

    Thanks !

  • Porcus
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2007
    • 792

    Re: Newbie; need guidance on options

    Originally posted by jrlemieux
    What figures should we use for these options "After Unrecoverable Frames", "When Have to Re-Rip" and "After Ripping a Track for"?
    After Unrecoverable Frames: If you set this to n, the software will tolerate n-1 unrecoverable frames before giving up. That is, if the CD has 2 frames scratched beyond repair, and you have entered a larger number than 2, it will continue to read.
    I set it to one; it aborts on the first unrecoverable frame, and those CDs are put aside for polishing. Your preferences might differ.

    When Have to Re-Rip: If there are a large number of frames having to be re-read individually, you can ask it to give up. Myself I have a profile with a reasonable number here, and a profile with a very high number -- if it has 500 troublesome frames, it will abort and display Error, and I will inspect the CD for scratches, polish it lightly if appropriate, select the profile with a higher number, and leave it overnight.

    After Ripping a Track for: If it spends too long time on a track, abort.
    If you have a CD with one long track, you should be careful about this one -- it might take an hour without anything being wrong. I turn it off.


    • jrlemieux

      • Jul 2008
      • 3

      Re: Newbie; need guidance on options

      Many thanks, this was an excellent dbPowerAmp 101 course...!

      Out of curiosity, are these parameters documented somewhere? If so, could you please provide me a pointer to the documentation? Thanks!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Newbie; need guidance on options

        Yes the help file, press the red ? button in CD Ripper and select the advanced page.

