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Gaps N Cues

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  • BillytheFish

    • Jul 2008
    • 4

    Gaps N Cues

    Well, first off I'd like to say "Damn you Spoon for releasing R13; I feel like a right traitor for even considering ditching Andre's rather excellent ripper for another" .... and... er... "Keep up the great work".

    Anyway, I have a quick question about Gaps and Cue Sheets (Plex Premium, dbPA Reference R13 -Trial-, Ripping to flac, Rip as 1):

    Basically, I'm trying to get the best, archival quality, as-exact-as-possible copies that I can.

    I would, therefore, like Gaps to be the same lenght in the rip as the original, and for my CD time counter to show reverse negative times where applicable in the gaps.

    Here, Spoon said that gaps are added to the end of tracks:

    Hello, I just started to experiment with dbpowerAMP Reference R12.1 yesterday and the first impressions are promising. The question is, a) can I play a bunch of mp3 files ripped with dbpowerAMP Reference in WinAmp v2.x so that it sounds like the original album when played in the cd player, and b) what settings /

    but here, he said that they get prepended:

    and that they are also ignored by dbPa and that he considers them unimportant.

    Ok, ok, I realise it may be a bit anal in wanting the gaps in the copy exactly as they were in the original, but I wouldn't be considering purchasing dbPa if I weren't a bit anal about getting the best standards as possible.

    So my questions are:

    1) Are gaps Appended (i.e. Added to the END of the track before the gap -which is what I would consider the most intuitive place to put them) or are they actually Prepended (Added to the start of the track after the gap)?

    2) If gaps aren't detected, if there is noise in any of the gaps, will this appear in the copy?

    3) If gaps aren't detected and I do a Rip as 1, will using EAC to create cuesheets help me?

    4) When cuesheets are implemented in dbPA, will we be able to retrospectively generate them WITHOUT having to re-rip a track (i.e. stick the CD in the drive and select "Create Cue Sheet Only")?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Gaps N Cues

    Gaps are appended.

    4) Not sure


    • tilmaen

      • Apr 2008
      • 3

      Re: Gaps N Cues

      Is someone working on cuesheet support (DSP) at the moment? if so, is there any estimate as to when it's going to be released?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Gaps N Cues

        Work has started, it is not a primary development so is done in the background.


        • BugsBunny

          • Aug 2008
          • 27

          Re: Gaps N Cues

          Is there already more info on when this feature will make it into a beta/final version?
          I would like it very much if I could rip the tracks into individual .wav files plus the creation of a cue file at the same time. So later the individual .wav files could be merged and a CD with the correct gap info using the cue file could be made.
          I'm going to re rip my CD collection and would wait a few month if this feature would make it into a beta/final by then.
          I would very much appreciate any info about the implemetation time of this feature.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: Gaps N Cues

            Difficult ot pin an exact date, I would hope to release a first stab (without gap detection) in the next 2 weeks.


            • first

              • Aug 2008
              • 1

              Re: Gaps N Cues

              Originally posted by BillytheFish
              Basically, I'm trying to get the best, archival quality, as-exact-as-possible copies that I can.
              Originally posted by BugsBunny
              .... if I could rip the tracks into individual .wav files plus the creation of a cue file at the same time. So later the individual .wav files could be merged and a CD with the correct gap info using the cue file could be made.
              I'm going to re rip my CD collection and would wait a few month if this feature would make it into a beta/final by then.
              That is exactly what i am waiting for.

              "...the individual .wav files could be merged and a CD with the correct gap info using the cue file could be made."
              Will the cuesheet be able to regenerate exact-as-possible copies? (No gap and no missing sound, if there are none on the original CD.)
              ...and be playable in SqueezeCenter?

              Then I will pay

              Thank you Sir Spoon :komisch9:


              • BugsBunny

                • Aug 2008
                • 27

                Re: Gaps N Cues

                Any news on this?


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44847

                  Re: Gaps N Cues

                  Work has been delayed slightly.


                  • Rollo

                    • Feb 2007
                    • 44

                    Re: Gaps N Cues

                    Anything new on Cue support, Spoon?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44847

                      Re: Gaps N Cues

                      Once Asset is released it will free-up development time again.


                      • eboyer93
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Apr 2008
                        • 69

                        Re: Gaps N Cues

                        What is Asset? What is the estimated time of release?


                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: Gaps N Cues



                          • trainee

                            • Apr 2008
                            • 20

                            Re: Gaps N Cues

                            Now that Asset has been released, any renewed hope on cuesheets?


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44847

                              Re: Gaps N Cues


