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Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

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  • ward

    • Mar 2008
    • 10

    Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

    I really need the input of the pros, both manufactures and avid
    enthusiast to these forums. I've been reading here and over on Hydrogen Audio forums for about 6
    months anxiously awaiting R13, leaving EAC behind. When i read that
    Rc13 was available last week I just purchased a full registered copy
    and installed it onto a completely reformatted p4 just today, and am now
    the happy owner of a seagate external 1 Terabyte external USB 2 HD.

    So im totally ready after tweaking windows xp sp3 and all updates and
    all peripherals updated, turn off the screen saver etc. This computer
    is just for ripping my cd collection now and asking questions like this.

    I'm about to image it to have a perfect restorable image if anything
    happens and i just want to ask some questions that i haven't seen in
    the faq's nor using the search functions. Honestly i have pages i have
    saved but it seems every time i try to get a definitive answer someone
    else has another opinion and i can't remember things like does c2
    matter if im using ultra secure ripping mode?

    First my ripper and im still slightly confused here.
    I did some reading back in January on Hydrogen Audio as well as here
    about what the "best Ripper" was for my purposes of ultimate archiving. After
    Reading the tests i seemed to get the impression that the Plextor 230A was a really winner, but it was
    discontinued. I managed to track down 2 brand new units and i was ever
    so happy but reading around now i see it doesn't support c2 errors.

    Keep in mind this is really the last time i want to rip my cd
    collection for a few years. I'm planning to scan every cd cover,
    jacket, back, inner sleeve for every one of my 3000+ cd's , yes a
    monumental task but i want some high quality graphics to play with that
    is fututre proof with some large resolution TIFF scans.

    So keeping that in mind i am planning to use Ultra Secure Rip
    Exclusively only for music cd ripping to wav to flac ( or with 1
    terabyte i might see if wav storage will work )
    like i said i have around 3000 cd's purchase from the very earliest
    days of cd's 1982 approximately to present. I used to do a huge radio
    show so i would say that 50% of my cd's definitely have some wear on
    them moderate scratches but nothing like car cd's scratches etc. The
    other 50% will be in very good shape. Keeping all that in mind

    Anyways the questions that i desperately want your opinions on and so
    definately answers are i have read the help file and want to confim ask for verification i
    have the right settings

    1.) the settings for ultra secure ripping on my 230a plextor are;

    Enable Ultra Secure Ripping Checked
    Ultra Passes: 3-6-2
    Maximum number of Re-Reads: 50
    Drive read Cache 1024 KB
    Add To Information Log (shown after ripping)

    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    CD Drive: CD-R PX-230A
    Firmware: 1.03
    Maximum Speed: 9173 KB/sec (x52)
    Current Speed: 9173 KB/sec (x52)
    Spin-down After: 2 minutes
    Buffer Size: 2 MB
    Accurate Stream: Yes
    C2 Error Pointers: Yes
    Reads ISRC: Yes
    Reads UPC: Yes

    however when i test a scratched cd it says either its not scratched or
    doesn't support c2 should i leave it checked or not? i cant seem to get
    a straight answer on this I just read that it does not have C1/C2 error handling in it on another
    forum so im really confused.

    i was reading a quote from spoon over on HA about the 230A

    "If we ignore HTOA and lead in/out, do you still rate the drive as

    highly as you did? If not, what is now your personal favourite drive

    for use with dBPowerAmp? -Phil

    "Yes" -Spoon

    Also in that same thread Spoon said the 230A would be a good second
    drive "Your 2nd drive would be a 230a or similar for maximum recovery."

    Nov 30 2007

    So i guess i would ask Spoon or anyone if time is no concern only
    quality and accuracy of the ripping process would the 230A be the
    best for my purposes?

    2.) advice on my other cd ripper options. Remeber i really need the
    best cd ripping for my purposes of long time archival, so i can store
    these cumbersome cd's in my storage boxes and retire them to the rafters
    and be secure that i got the Best secure rips that are technically
    feasible at this time.

    That why i got R13 i was really impressed with its abilities that seems
    to eclipse EAC but im not hear for any EAC vs R13 debate. I've made up
    my mind payed my money and really want to enjoy ripping my collection
    to hard drive.

    So iHTOA and lead in/out important for my collection? i'm really lost

    these are the drives i can get access to and put in the same computer
    as the 230A or ANY drive you pro's feel would be better for my collection.

    Lite-On It Corp.
    Model LTN-486S
    December 2004

    Plextor PX-712A

    Plextor PX-708A
    August 2003

    Plextor PX-W2410TA
    July 2001

    It occurs to me that if i use the 230A should i have another slave
    drive that has c2 error correction, if so which is the best for c2
    error correction in Ultra secure ripping mode?

    i have many more questions but some like creating profiles and why i
    will read up on myself, i just really wanted a caring guiding hand to
    walk me through this setup and if i have the correct setting before i
    start this huge job.

    Is there anything i can include in the rip to prove it was accurate or
    is that automatic? I don't know a thing about check sum files and cue
    files so while those prove it was an accurate rip? Again forgive my
    ignorance but i need to restart somewhere.

    So thank you for your kindness, patience and help.

    Last edited by ward; June 18, 2008, 10:47 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

    The 230a does support c2, but in your instance it is not (you must test it is a quite badly scratched CD, even buy a cheap cd and write with a black marker pen on the CD, draw a 1 cm x 1 cm square in the middle of the disc, then test for c2. It could be how you connect the 230a to the comuter preventing c2 from working, or your user account might be limited access rights.


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

      I would recomend using the PX-712 for your primary drive, with over-reading enabled. You will basically never hear the difference, but you sound like me and don't want to miss anything when ripping and the 230 won't be able to read into the lead in/out


      • ward

        • Mar 2008
        • 10

        Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

        Alright another slight round of questions, since it now appears ill be using the 230A only only scratched discs, looking at the web site i found in another thread and filtering out

        it appears that what is most desireable is

        Accurate Stream YES
        Caching NO
        C2 errors YES
        Overread BOTH
        HTOA YES (Blank on most)

        so from that list it appears only the Plextor PX-40TS does all of these and its a scsi drive! I'm really not anxious to go scsi again but is that really the only drive out there that does all these?

        If i decided to skip the HTOA could i find a list of discs that have HTOA and come up with a work around just for those discs?

        if thats the case then i have a FEW more option and only a FEW

        ACTIMA A40T

        and all the rest are Plextors


        PX-32TS SCSI 1997 discontinued
        PX-40TS SCSI 1998 discontinued
        PX-40TSUW SCSI 1999 discontinued
        PX-800A this appears to be still avaliable!!!
        PX-W1210TA ATAPI 2000 discontinued
        PX-W1210TS ATAPI 2000 discontinued
        PX-W124TS SCSI (i had this drive years ago but its discontinued now)
        PX-W8220T SCSI 1999
        PX-W8432T can find info assuming another SCSI Discontinued

        so from that research it appears that only

        ACTIMA A40T
        PLEXTOR PX-800A

        will do what is best in DAE

        another consideration is the

        PLEXTOR PX-800A sample offset is +48 and defiantely doesn't do HTOA
        ACTIMA A40T sample offset is +680 but the HTOA column is blank

        since it appears these are the ONLY drives could someone give me + or - against them ?

        I'm really trying here but no matter how much research i do i always seem to msis something AFTER i have bought drives *sigh* :vmad:

        so Spoon or EliC could you help me out here?

        oh and also Spoon on the 230A i have administrator rights on the computer to do c2 error reading, it is the master on the second IDE channel ill have to deliberately damage a cd i dont like i think there was a walkthorugh for that some where just to get C2 errors checked.....

        please help here guys i'm starting to pull my hair out :(


        • bhoar
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2006
          • 1173

          Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

          Two small things.

          1. isn't always correct. Use it a guide, not a reference.

          2. Slight modification to your comments below

          Originally posted by ward
          it appears that what is most desireable is

          Accurate Stream YES
          Caching NO [COLOR="red"]OR support for FUA[/COLOR]
          C2 errors YES
          Overread BOTH
          HTOA YES (Blank on most)
          Also, if the cache ends up being very small, that can mitigate the slow re-read issue even if the drive does not support FUA.



          • ward

            • Mar 2008
            • 10

            Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

            bhoar i've seen your posts around here so i trust your advice. So in your informed opinion would the Plextor PX-800A be a good drive? I can find an incredible deal rigth now for

            Price: $69.99
            Less Rebate: - $30.00 mail-in rebate

            Final Price: $39.99*

            it so flippin cheap would this be a good steal for my ultimate ripper?


            • bhoar
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Sep 2006
              • 1173

              Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

              I'll let spoon handle that, I'm not familiar with the px-800.



              • ward

                • Mar 2008
                • 10

                Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

                alright it was a great price and i got one but reading up on it i see its actually a poor DAE drive so im back to square one.

                So is a guide, not a reference.

                So now i have no refrence to compare drives.

                It's really getting absurd trying to figure out my simple question.

                My one and ONLY concern is ultimate quality DAE it must work with DBPowerAmp R13 in Ultra Secure Mode

                it must have c2 support

                it must be internal IDE (atapi)

                HTOA, lead in lead out, would prefer them if it doesn't detract from the performance of the rip

                price, time to rip,

                i really want an informed person to say this is the drive you want, its like everyone has an NDA over them and is afraid to mention models.

                Here are all the dirves i NOW have to choose from
                if they aren't the absolute bast please TELL me what drive IS the best exclusively for DAE. And if you do like any of these dirve below please tell me why its better then the others

                what drives i NOW currently have (only interested in DAE)


                Lite-On It Corp.
                Model LTN-486S

                Again guys please help me find the ultimate Drive for DAE...pretty please??!!


                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

                  your 708 and 712 are both VERY GOOD DRIVES.


                  • ward

                    • Mar 2008
                    • 10

                    Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

                    thank you EliC for naming my drives the 708 and 712.

                    Do you have a prefrence and why do you like them over say the 230A?

                    Thank again for your input i highly value it.


                    • EliC
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 1175

                      Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

                      you will find that some of your problem discs rip fine in one drive or another. In general it has been shown that the 230 does quite well with problem discs. However the 708 and 712 can both over-read and do HTOA, support FUA, and C2. Use them for most of your discs and if there are some you have problems with use the 230


                      • ward

                        • Mar 2008
                        • 10

                        Re: Ultra Secure Ripping, Rip Advice Please Pros Help!

                        Thanks a bunch EliC that's what i needed to hear. I put the 708A as the master on IDE channel 1 and 230A as slave on the same channel. Finally got both drives to recognize c2 errors. Ill post some info and let you guys critique my setting thanks again!

