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CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

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  • Sebastian Mares
    • Jun 2008
    • 4

    CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

    I recently installed dBpowerAMP R13 on Windows Vista Home Premium (German, 32 bit, Service Pack 1) and found out that my DVD writer TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203D is not recognized unless I select the Windows Internal mode, which however does not support reporting C2 errors. I also tried starting the application as administrator but it didn't help. The unit is connected over SATA to the mainboard and the SATA controller is set to AHCI mode.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44373

    Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

    How do other rippers get on (with that drive), such as EAC?


    • Sebastian Mares
      • Jun 2008
      • 4

      Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

      The drive is found in EAC using the "Native Win32 interface for Win NT /2000/XP" on Adapter 3 ID 0.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44373

        Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

        Make sure you are using R13, there was a compatibility addition in this exact area, if you are and it still not showing:

        Close CD Ripper. Open 'dBpoweramp Configuration' and Music Converter >> Enable the debug mode >> Ok >> Ok. Start CD Ripper, close CD ripper and post the log file here please.


        • Sebastian Mares
          • Jun 2008
          • 4

          Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

          With the Windows Internal mode:

          Using Windows Built-in [clCDDA::SetCommunication]
          ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
          ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
          ->-> [clCDDA::ReadTOC]
          <-<- [clCDDA::ReadTOC]
          <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          With SCSI PT as user:

          Using SCSI PassThrough [clCDDA::SetCommunication]
          ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
          ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          Got drive C:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          Inquiry failed, trying larger buffer [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Inquiry failed (with larger buffer) [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Got drive D:\ CD ROM ** ERROR getting drive info [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
          ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          Got drive C:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          Inquiry failed, trying larger buffer [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Inquiry failed (with larger buffer) [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Got drive D:\ CD ROM ** ERROR getting drive info [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          With SCSI PT as administrator:

          Using SCSI PassThrough [clCDDA::SetCommunication]
          ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
          Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
          ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          Got drive C:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          Inquiry failed, trying larger buffer [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Inquiry failed (with larger buffer) [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
          Got drive D:\ CD ROM ** ERROR getting drive info [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
          <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
          <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44373

            Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

            Drop me an email to:

            highlighting this thread. See if something can be done for R13.1


            • totient
              • Feb 2009
              • 2

              Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

              Hello, sorry to bring back an old thread. I just purchased an HP G60 notebook. The CD drive in this is a TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633M. Since I love my dbpoweramp, it was the third program I installed after Firefox and MediaMonkey. I was using R12, and found this same problem. I then installed 13.1, and the drive is now recognized in SPT mode, but shows up as [Unknown - Unknown].

              On the upside, I have accurately ripped a couple of CDs, at decent speed.

              On the downside, I am not 100% confident, as some difficulties still seem to be present.

              In CD Ripper, Technical Details,
              - Manufacturer and Drive are Unknown
              - Firmware and Serial show garbage - right now the serial shows as i#ÎríŠÌ–1. The garbage changes over time (buffer?)
              - Reported max speed has shown as different values (20x, 24x)

              Changes in Firmware, Serial and max speed can be triggered by switching discs. Just now the Serial number shows as A.

              Also under Technical Details, Buffer Size shows as 2MB. Secure Settings, however, shows 1024KB. Attempting to Detect causes the program to become unresponsive.

              On the off-chance that it's helpful, here's some Debug log:

              Using SCSI PassThrough [clCDDA::SetCommunication]
              ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
              Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
              ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
              Got drive C:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
              Got drive D:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
              Inquiry failed, trying larger buffer [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
              Inquiry failed (with larger buffer) [cddaSCSIPassTru::GetDriveInfo]
              Got drive E:\ CD ROM [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
              <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
              ->-> [clCDDA::ReadTOC]
              <Snip successful TOC and Metadata read stuff>
              Thanks for a good product.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44373

                Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

                These drives for wahtever reason are failling the very simple call Inquiry...apart from missing the name and speed nothing else should be affected.


                • Vexzilla
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 27

                  Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD rom

                  I am using dbpoweramp 13.3 under wine on ubuntu 64-bit and have no cd drive found even though i have an hp asus dvd-rom drive on sata.

                  Here is debug log:

                  U s i n g S C S I P a s s T h r o u g h [ c l C D D A : : S e t C o m m u n i c a t i o n ]

                  - > - > [ f r m M a i n : : R e f r e s h T r a c k L i s t i n g ]

                  Q u i t t i n g M e t a T h r e a d : Q u i t

                  - > - > [ c l C D D A : : R e t u r n D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e C : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e D : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e Z : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  < - < - [ c l C D D A : : R e t u r n D r i v e L i s t ]

                  < - < - [ f r m M a i n : : R e f r e s h T r a c k L i s t i n g ]

                  - > - > [ f r m M a i n : : R e f r e s h T r a c k L i s t i n g ]

                  Q u i t t i n g M e t a T h r e a d : Q u i t

                  - > - > [ c l C D D A : : R e t u r n D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e C : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e D : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  G o t d r i v e Z : \ * * n o t C D R o m , t y p e : 3 [ c d d a S C S I P a s s T r u : : F i l l D r i v e L i s t ]

                  < - < - [ c l C D D A : : R e t u r n D r i v e L i s t ]

                  < - < - [ f r m M a i n : : R e f r e s h T r a c k L i s t i n g ]

                  Thanks for any help you can give.
                  Last edited by Vexzilla; September 25, 2009, 10:19 PM.


                  • Vexzilla
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 27

                    Re: CD Ripper does not find my DVD writer

                    nvm, it was wine not seeing my drive, not dbpoweramp.


