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Database and profit

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  • _fork_
    • Mar 2025

    Database and profit

    Wow. What a huge disappointment ver. 12 is for me as far as databases are concerned.

    1. It is really sad that you have to flog the AMG instead of letting freedb work properly. Not everyone wants to spend money for AMG and you have already charged money for the program so why do you need to be making a cut off the AMG subs? It seems very greedy.

    2. One CONSTANTLY has to see that pop up message about how the AMG subscription has expired. Yeah, I know that. I let it expire on purpose. But thanks for reminding me every goddamn time I use the program.

    3. the offline DB option does not work. The path is correctly set but the program does not use it. The setting does not change from [Internet] even though it has been changed in settings. It is not a problem with the DB or the path because it works perfectly with the FREE EAC program.

    4. Even the online freedb option frequently doesn't work well. It takes forever to access, sometimes freezes completely, and often needs to be manually pointed there (Meta>Retrieve From) and even then it may or may not work.

    I used to think that dbPowerAmp was a great program (ver. 11). Not anymore. What a bummer this program has become as far as ripping CDs is concerned.
  • bhoar
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2006
    • 1173

    Re: Database and profit

    Perhaps you could ask for help to address the problems you are having with metadata lookups instead of pointing fingers and complaining?



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Database and profit

      >need to be making a cut off the AMG subs?

      Actually we make a loss on AMG, as there are yearly minimums...we take the loss as it adds value.

      R12 is not supported anymore we have moved onto R13


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Database and profit

        1. You are not forced to use AMG, you are perfectly fine just using FreeDB, you just lose out on accessing the other, arguably better, meta-data sources.

        2. Click the arrow beside the "Meta" button and uncheck AMG, or, if using r13, GD3 and MusicBrainz and TrackType and PerfectMeta.

