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"Set file naming" and Squeezebox

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  • mskvarenina

    • May 2008
    • 10

    "Set file naming" and Squeezebox

    At first glance the file naming function looks pretty advanced. I'm looking for the ideal naming for use with a Squeezebox. Seems like the default puts all albums from the same artist in a sinle folder with only one cover art file.

    What's the best format to use with a Squeezebox and would you mind pasting it in here.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: "Set file naming" and Squeezebox

    At the request of multiple users, I am writing a short tutorial on how to use the naming scheme in dMC r12. The basics of the naming scheme are simple to get: [artist] - use for the artist name [album artist] - use for the album artist, NOT the same as artist necessarily [album] - use for the album title [title] -


    • mskvarenina

      • May 2008
      • 10

      Re: "Set file naming" and Squeezebox

      Thanks, that looks like perfect information. They should include it in the dropdown as a choice.

      Do you know if this is the best config for Squeezebox? I don't have mine yet so I'm not sure how it picks up the album cover art.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: "Set file naming" and Squeezebox

        Creating an album folder is now the default for R13.


        • moley6knipe
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2008
          • 97

          Re: "Set file naming" and Squeezebox

          SqueezeCenter (the server software for the Duet, SB3, Transporter) doesn't really care about directory structure (with one exception - Compilations), but to keep things easy to manage here's mine which works great with my Squeezebox...

          Single artist or band discs are stored...
          E:\Music\Aerosmith\Rocks\01-track1.mp3, 02-track2.mp3 etc

          Compilations work best with SqueezeCenter if stored...
          E:\Music\Compilations\Best of the 80s\01-track1.mp3, 02-track2.mp3 etc

          ...for a belt and braces approach I find it best to rip compilations with a "Compilation" tag set too - simply tick the "Compilation" box on the menu bar in CD ripper for this.

          One more thing - if you've got albums with 2 or more discs, and you want them to display as one album in Squeezecenter, you can either store all of the files from all discs in one directory...

          E:\Music\Beatles\White Album\1-01-disc1 track1.mp3, 1-02-disc1 track2.mp3, 2-01-disc2 track1.mp3, 2-02-disc2 track2.mp3


          E:\Music\Beatles\White Album [Disc 1]\01-track1.mp3, 02-track2.mp3 etc
          E:\Music\Beatles\White Album [Disc 2]\01-track1.mp3, 02-track2.mp3 etc

          ...the key thing is to ensure that the album name is exactly the same for tracks from both discs, and that you've set the discnumber tags appropriately. Happily dBpoweramp can do all of this automatically for you!

