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Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

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  • stealle

    • Apr 2008
    • 42

    Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

    I noticed that CDRipper uses the ANSI code for tagging. I just started using Tag&Rename to tag some MP3s and noticed that is uses the Unicode UTF-16.

    I don't know much about the difference between ANSI and UTF-16. However, based on the limited information I could find and understand, it seems that UTF-16 is probably superior.

    1. Any reason why one code could be more advantageous than the other?
    2. Can dbpoweramp use the UTF-16 code instead?
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

    1. If you have non-ANSI characters, you HAVE to use Unicode. Non-ANSI characters are mostly non-Latin based languages, such as the Asian-area language (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and Russian come to mind. If your characters are all normal letters, you should be fine.
    2. Yes, go into dBpoweramp Configuration (See "Need to find your version?" below), go to the Codecs tab, click on the "Advanced Options" button at the bottom, then go to your format, if the format accepts UTF-16, it should be an option.


    • stealle

      • Apr 2008
      • 42

      Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

      Thanks for the info...

      Anything to be concerned about as far as media players are concerned? Are ANSI or UTF16 both supported under the most popular players and portables (i.e. iTunes, iTouch, WMP, WinAmp)?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

        Should be, but you need to test on the players in question.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

          ID3v2.3 UTF-16 works fine in my ITUNES and IPOD.


          • stealle

            • Apr 2008
            • 42

            Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

            Originally posted by LtData
            1. If you have non-ANSI characters, you HAVE to use Unicode. Non-ANSI characters are mostly non-Latin based languages, such as the Asian-area language (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and Russian come to mind. If your characters are all normal letters, you should be fine.
            2. Yes, go into dBpoweramp Configuration (See "Need to find your version?" below), go to the Codecs tab, click on the "Advanced Options" button at the bottom, then go to your format, if the format accepts UTF-16, it should be an option.
            Thanks LtData... Seems like UTF-16 should be the default :confused:(I'm using R13). Bummer, I wish I would have known that before I ripped all these CDs. It appears as though everything works in iTunes. However, I'd like to get my entire collection of FLAC files with UTF-16 (since I get a little OCD with this sort of thing).

            I set everything to UTF-16 in the configuration. Is it as simple as running everything through batch convert and do a FLAC to FLAC conversion and the tags will be re-written to UTF-16.

            Is that the best way to go about it?

            Originally posted by garym
            ID3v2.3 UTF-16 works fine in my ITUNES and IPOD.
            Thanks for that info.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Tagging: ANSI vs UTF16

              FLAC always is unicode (it is UTF-8), the option you changed is for mp3 only.

