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Innaccurate RIPs?

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  • celticpaws

    • May 2008
    • 2

    Innaccurate RIPs?

    I have tried ripping the same CD (supposedly in AccurateRIP) on two different drives, but the ripped tracks come up Inaccurate even with Secure on (which does not show any re-reads for errors), and if I am reading the information correctly 16-20 other people have also achieved the same results. I have successfully configured my drive at home with AccurateRIP, but while I get Accurate rips on the Key CDs, I still get Innaccurate rips on this CD. Does it make a difference where I bought my CD? The CD that I have has different album art than what shows - does this mean that the version of the CD that I have is different than what is stored in AccurateRIP, and that my rips are valid? FYI - this is a brand new disk that was just opened today.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

    Do all of the tracks say "Inaccurate"? If so, your CD is a different pressing than the CD in AccurateRip and since dMC says Secure, you should be fine.


    • celticpaws

      • May 2008
      • 2

      Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

      Yes, all of the tracks say Inaccurate.
      Thanks, for the reply.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

        You have a different pressing (your disc is different to the one in the database).


        • stealle

          • Apr 2008
          • 42

          Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

          Originally posted by celticpaws
          if I am reading the information correctly 16-20 other people have also achieved the same results.
          It would be nice if AccurateRip could have more than one listing for a CD. Meaning, that when several people have the same "inaccurate" results it would identify that it was a different pressing and list the CD as a different CD. Then give "accurate" results.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

            The database does as you say, multiple pressings are stored.


            • stealle

              • Apr 2008
              • 42

              Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              The database does as you say, multiple pressings are stored.
              That's great!

              Then I guess there were not 16 - 20 other people with the exact same results as the OP stated. If so, it would have been identified as "accurate" by AccurateRip.


              • mskvarenina

                • May 2008
                • 10

                Re: Innaccurate now what?

                I'm new to dBpoweramp CD Ripper. I'm very excited to use this tool (vs iTunes) but am not sure what to do when I get an inaccurate rip.

                For starters my PC has 2 drives in it. A NEC ND-2100A and a Samsung SD-616E. I've just ordered a Plextor 230A after reading these forums.

                Using Madonna's American Life as a test disc the Samsung gives me an inaccuarte rip on all tracks. Using the NEC tracks 4, 10 and 11 give me inaccurate rips. So what do I do now? If I were using iTunes to rip I'd never know there was an issue. dBpoweramp seems to indicate I have an issue but do I?

                Someone here mention with secure on or off, something like that. I don't see any configuration options in the CD Ripper


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: Innaccurate now what?

                  If every track shows as inaccurate, then the CD is probably a different pressing. However, since you ripped on a different CD drive and got accurate rips for some of the tracks and inaccurate for others, that does not seem to be the case.

                  Secure ripping is enabled by going into the options (clicking ON the options button) and turning it on. Note that this only works if you are using the PowerPack or Reference.


                  • Porcus
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2007
                    • 792

                    Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

                    Looks to me that that drive has not configured the offset, or done so incorrectly. If the offset is configured using a different pressing than in the database, then it might turn out wrong, IME.

                    Try a different CD.


                    • stealle

                      • Apr 2008
                      • 42

                      Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

                      Originally posted by Porcus
                      Looks to me that that drive has not configured the offset, or done so incorrectly. If the offset is configured using a different pressing than in the database, then it might turn out wrong, IME.

                      Try a different CD.
                      You can go here: to find out what your offset should be.

                      Also, does the disc look scratch-free. If so, I'd say it is a different pressing (provided you have the correct off-set). If the disc looks ugly and full of scratches you should either get a different CD or try to clean the one you have. This might sound scary, but you can take "brasso" or I sometimes use Arm & Hammer toothpaste. Use a small dab about the size of a large pea on a wet cloth and rub gently from the inner ring out. Occasionally I even rub in a circular motion all around the disc. I will polish like this for several minutes gently. This works for me about 50% of the time. Then clean it very well with some LCD screen cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

                      If you try doing that. I recommend that you rip it and save the "accurate" flac files first. There is a chance you will make the disc worse, but I usually figure the disc is a piece of crap anyway so it's worth a try if you are just going to have to buy a new one anyway.


                      • mskvarenina

                        • May 2008
                        • 10

                        Re: Innaccurate now what?

                        Originally posted by LtData
                        Secure ripping is enabled by going into the options (clicking ON the options button) and turning it on. Note that this only works if you are using the PowerPack or Reference.

                        Found it. Now 2 of the 3 tracks have ripped accurately. At 1 hour and 30 minutes later it's still working on the 3rd track. Is this typical (very long rip times in secure mode if the first attempt is inaccurate?)


                        • bhoar
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Sep 2006
                          • 1173

                          Re: Innaccurate now what?

                          Originally posted by mskvarenina
                          Found it. Now 2 of the 3 tracks have ripped accurately. At 1 hour and 30 minutes later it's still working on the 3rd track. Is this typical (very long rip times in secure mode if the first attempt is inaccurate?)
                          Are you in the frame re-rip stage? If so, yes, especially if your drive caches (and there's no way force the cache clear without a filling the buffer with other data for each re-read of the frame).



                          • mskvarenina

                            • May 2008
                            • 10

                            Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

                            Yes it was. Unfortunately even after all that, the last track did not rip sucessfully.


                            • stealle

                              • Apr 2008
                              • 42

                              Re: Innaccurate RIPs?

                              My experience has been that if it needs to re-rip more than a couple hundred frames or so, it usually doesn't give an "accurate" result. I don't allow it to re-rip more than about 20 minutes. I figure it's not worth the stress on my DVD drive.

