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CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

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  • stealle

    • Apr 2008
    • 42

    CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

    In CD Ripper under "Rip Status", I'm a little confused about the various information...

    When I get "Accurate" I figure everything went smooth and I have a secure rip.

    When I get "Inaccurate" I figure that track had unrecoverable errors and it didn't match up with the Accurate Rip database.

    These seem like common sense... Am I right so far?

    But, what about everything in between?

    Such as:

    X AR (in red) Green colored "check mark" Secure
    X AR (in red) Green colored "i" Secure
    X AR (in grey) Green colored "check mark" Secure

    I think there are a few more variations I encountered, but that's all I remember at the moment.

    Is there a key to these codes?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

    AR Grey = not in database, red = missmatch with AccurateRip.

    Green Secure means no re-reads were done,
    Green 'i' means there was re-reads of bad sectors
    There is also a red insecure which you have not seen.


    • stealle

      • Apr 2008
      • 42

      Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

      Originally posted by Spoon
      AR Grey = not in database, red = missmatch with AccurateRip.

      Green Secure means no re-reads were done,
      Green 'i' means there was re-reads of bad sectors
      There is also a red insecure which you have not seen.

      Can you help me figure this out... I have a CD that is in the AR database. When I ripped it, almost all of the tracks came up "Accurate", but there were several that came up X AR (in red) Green "check mark" Secure. This was not a compilation CD. So how can a disk be in the AR data base, have a missmatch with AR, AND be secure? If my rip was "secure" (my DVD drive seems to be doing an excellent job of CR2 detection/ I'm also using UltraSecure mode within CD Ripper), how can it be mismatched and what does this mean for the level of security for this rip? Thanks...
      Last edited by stealle; May 03, 2008, 02:29 PM.


      • Porcus
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2007
        • 792

        Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

        Originally posted by stealle
        I have a CD that is in the AR database. When I ripped it, almost all of the tracks came up "Accurate", but there were several that came up X AR (in red) Green "check mark" Secure. This was not a compilation CD. So how can a disk be in the AR data base, have a missmatch with AR, AND be secure?
        Different pressing. "Is in AR?" is determined before you rip, based on the table of contents (track lengths). But two different pressings can have different offset (different number of zeroes before the first 1, from what I have understood) and therefore fail to match the AR checksum.

        The "several that came up" is a bit disturbing though -- did several on a disc show up as Accurate and several Secure? Well if -- say -- five show up as Accurate (1) and the rest as Secure, then it might be that one user has ripped those five from "your" pressing, but not the entire CD.

        Originally posted by stealle
        what does this mean for the level of security for this rip? Thanks...
        Most probably this particular pressing is not in AccurateRip (although there are different pressings which are) -- in which case you can consider it the same level of security as a "Secure" rip of a CD which was "Not in AccurateRip".


        • stealle

          • Apr 2008
          • 42

          Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

          Originally posted by Porcus
          The "several that came up" is a bit disturbing though -- did several on a disc show up as Accurate and several Secure? Well if -- say -- five show up as Accurate (1) and the rest as Secure, then it might be that one user has ripped those five from "your" pressing, but not the entire CD.
          I just ripped a bunch of CDs. I can't remember which CD it was. I just remember it wasn't a compilation. But for this particular CD, my results were... the first 10 tracks came up "Accurate" [and I think the number was (4)], the last four tracks came up X AR (8) in red followed by a green checkmark secure.
          Last edited by stealle; May 03, 2008, 05:43 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

            These possibilities:

            1) Your configuration is wrong (drive caching etc), and it is not able to secure rip (so when it reports it is secure, it is infact not),
            2) Your CD is different than the one in the database for the last tracks
            3) Your CD has a manufacturing defect, which causes some drives to read the last tracks differently (with an offset)

            How do other CDs fair?


            • Porcus
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2007
              • 792

              Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

              A different question, maybe related but I think not: With the file name displayed in the grabber window, sometimes it turns red, sometimes black. Does not seem to follow the accurateness of the rip. What does the colour signify?


              • stealle

                • Apr 2008
                • 42

                Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                Originally posted by Spoon
                These possibilities:

                1) Your configuration is wrong (drive caching etc), and it is not able to secure rip (so when it reports it is secure, it is infact not),
                2) Your CD is different than the one in the database for the last tracks
                3) Your CD has a manufacturing defect, which causes some drives to read the last tracks differently (with an offset)

                How do other CDs fair?
                1) I have my Samsung SH203B configured correctly. I have it configured as no cache, +6 offset, CR2 error detection enabled, Clear Read Cache FUA disabled. These settings were aquired by CD Ripper's tests (i.e. it passed the C2 error test , I did the cache test, and "key disk" for offset). Also, these settings match up perfectly with my drives capabilities/settings as found on this matrix: Also, for what it is worth, I have ripped/burned (backed-up) a few movie DVDs with the drive and have scanned them with Nero Disk Speed for errors and accuracy and it performs quite well.

                [SIZE="3"]Am I missing anything for drive configuration?[/SIZE]

                2) This is what puzzles me. It seems strange that a disk would be in the database for SOME of the tracks, but not ALL of the tracks.

                3) I could see that.

                The condition of some of these DVDs are VERY poor. Most of them gave pretty consistent results. But a few of them were kind of odd as described here. I ripped about 60 CDs and didn't right down the results. I could not find an option to have R13 place a rip log into the ripped folder. Am I missing the option or is that feature not an option in R13?



                • Porcus
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 792

                  Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                  Originally posted by stealle
                  It seems strange that a disk would be in the database for SOME of the tracks, but not ALL of the tracks.
                  Well, sometimes a user abandons ripping, skips tracks, etc. For example, it could be that there is only one CD of this pressing previously entered, and this user's CD is too badly scratched and does not produce any result on those last 8 tracks -- and the user has tried both EAC and dBpoweramp on two drives (2x2=4 attempts). If this is the only CD you get this problem with, then I would not worry.

                  Did you try a different drive?

                  Originally posted by stealle
                  I could not find an option to have R13 place a rip log into the ripped folder. Am I missing the option or is that feature not an option in R13?
                  The option is there, but right now I am accessing the internet somewhere else, so I cannot look it up. You can even choose the level of detail in the log.


                  • stealle

                    • Apr 2008
                    • 42

                    Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                    Originally posted by Porcus
                    Did you try a different drive?
                    No... that's a good idea. I have two BenQ 1640's that I can try. They don't have C2 error detection though. I'll have to figure out which disks gave me the trouble. I wish I had rip logs enabled.

                    Originally posted by Porcus
                    The option is there, but right now I am accessing the internet somewhere else, so I cannot look it up. You can even choose the level of detail in the log.
                    When you (or anyone else reading this) get a chance. Please tell me how to enable a rip log to be saved in the folder with the ripped files. Thanks!


                    • LtData
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 8288

                      Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                      In Secure Settings at the bottom, check "write to file", specify the filename and place, then pick the type of log you want (I chose complete).

                      Also, you can tell dMC to write the AR results to tags in the file.


                      • stealle

                        • Apr 2008
                        • 42

                        Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                        Originally posted by LtData
                        In Secure Settings at the bottom, check "write to file", specify the filename and place, then pick the type of log you want (I chose complete).
                        While setting that up I found these options as well:

                        Interpolate Unrecoverable Frames
                        [SIZE="2"]1.[/SIZE] Do you select this option? I'm guessing that it's better than nothing if you don't plan to re-purchase a damaged CD?

                        Mark Track as error if insecure
                        [SIZE="2"]2.[/SIZE] How exactly is the track marked? It already says it's insecure in the ID Tag??
                        Originally posted by LtData
                        Also, you can tell dMC to write the AR results to tags in the file.
                        Yes, I had it set up to do that. I just don't have logs for the CDs I just ripped.
                        I ripped these CDs to FLAC. Soon I will use batch convert to encode all of them to MP3.

                        [SIZE="2"]3.[/SIZE] Is it possible to have batch convert make a log for each folder/ripped CD since each of these files has the information in the ID Tag? Also, can batch convert make M3U/Playlists when it converts my FLACs to MP3s?


                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                          1. I don't have this option on myself, no. Then again, I only have a small number of CDs that are "damanged" (bubbles in them due to heat).
                          2. It means that dMC pops up an error dialog if a track is insecure.
                          3. No and no, unfortunately.


                          • bhoar
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Sep 2006
                            • 1173

                            Re: CD Ripper - "Rip Status" information???

                            Originally posted by stealle
                            Interpolate Unrecoverable Frames
                            [SIZE="2"]1.[/SIZE] Do you select this option? I'm guessing that it's better than nothing if you don't plan to re-purchase a damaged CD?
                            You'll need to experiment with your drive. I've found, experimentally, that enabling this option on my damaged discs makes the rip substantially worse (I end up with lots of drop outs).


