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NO auto eject in batch ripper?

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  • boneshaker335

    • Mar 2008
    • 9

    NO auto eject in batch ripper?


    is that possible?

    I would like to decide myself when to change CDs. I don't like the auto-eject feature, because sometimes I go away from my PC for a longer period of time and don't want to expose the CDs to dust, etc.

    Is there a way to disable auto-eject in batch ripper?

  • bhoar
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2006
    • 1173

    Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

    Originally posted by boneshaker335
    I would like to decide myself when to change CDs. I don't like the auto-eject feature, because sometimes I go away from my PC for a longer period of time and don't want to expose the CDs to dust, etc.

    Is there a way to disable auto-eject in batch ripper?
    Short answer: no, not currently.

    My understanding of the batch ripper architecture is that the batch ripper itself does not auto-eject. Instead, every device driver handles drive open/close to allow for proper support of automation hardware. In this case, the driver for "Auto Eject - Manual Load" (that is, the driver for "hands", heh) is the one, via the unload.exe call, that opens the tray.

    A different driver would be required. I suspect Spoon could create one rather quickly if there were enough demand to warrant it.



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44845

      Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

      Either way if the disc remains in the drive it will cause problems for batch ripper (as it would detect the cd and rerip).


      • bhoar
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2006
        • 1173

        Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

        Originally posted by Spoon
        Either way if the disc remains in the drive it will cause problems for batch ripper (as it would detect the cd and rerip).
        That assumes that the only change you made was not to eject on unload or reject.

        However, it would work fine with one additional change: if, instead of ejecting, the "unload.exe" and "reject.exe" commands were to constantly poll for the mechanism status CDB's "tray status" flag. Once that flag was detected as set to the open value, they would finally exit and everything would operate just like the current auto-eject version. That's how I'd write it, with the caveat that it wouldn't work with ancient optical drives that don't support MMC.



        • bhoar
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2006
          • 1173

          Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

          Assuming the batch ripper properly ignores the drive until the unload/reject it called for that drive exits, of course.



          • vance43211

            • Apr 2008
            • 36

            Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

            where's the batch ripper? I've just ripped hundred of cd's


            • bhoar
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Sep 2006
              • 1173

              Re: NO auto eject in batch ripper?

              Originally posted by vance43211
              where's the batch ripper? I've just ripped hundred of cd's
              See the various sticky threads in the beta sub-forum.


