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Strange behavior with ASUS drive

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  • sejarzo

    • Feb 2008
    • 9

    Strange behavior with ASUS drive

    I have a Compaq with a CD-ROM drive, ASUS CD-S480/A5, and a DVD-RW drive, HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GWA-4166B. With another ripping app, the ASUS always worked much faster than the that's the one I presumed would work the best with dBpoweramp.

    However, I inserted seven discs that, according to the message on screen, were in the AccurateRip database. In each case, after the drive spun up for a few seconds, I heard a few "chunka-chunka-chunkas" followed by a message that the CD wasn't in the database. I thought it odd that I would have that many alternate pressings, so I put the last one rejected by dBpoweramp in the ASUS into the DVD-RW, switched drive selection, and dBpoweramp immediately and successfully determined the offset for that drive.

    Since then, I've tried another five AccurateRip CD's in the ASUS.....all of them give the same result--no success at determining the offset.

    That ASUS CD-ROM drive has seemingly worked without a hiccup to install programs, and it has always seemed to read audio and data CD's, CD-R's and CD-RW's without a hitch.

    Any idea of a possible problem?
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

    Click the options button in the CD ripper (ON the button, NOT the arrow) and scroll down to the CD ROM section. Does it already show a sample offset? If so, try resetting it to zero and see if your CDs are detected now.


    • sejarzo

      • Feb 2008
      • 9

      Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

      Originally posted by LtData
      Click the options button in the CD ripper (ON the button, NOT the arrow) and scroll down to the CD ROM section. Does it already show a sample offset? If so, try resetting it to zero and see if your CDs are detected now.
      No, it shows no sample the dialog box that pops up, it has always shown, and still shows, that "AccurateRip is unconfigured (waiting for key disc to find offset)" and under CD ROM > Sample Offset it shows "(AccurateRip to find)".

      Clicking the reset and setting it to zero has no impact. Twice now, I've reset the offset to zero on the DVD-RW drive (the other one that configured properly on the first disc I inserted) and inserted two different CD's that were on the list, and both times dBpoweramp immediately reported the offset was measured as expected at +102. Put those same discs in the CD-ROM....and same result as always, I initially see a dialog showing that the disc is on the list, I click "Configure"....and get "This Key Disc cannot be used...."

      That ASUS drive has an expected offset of +1776.....that seems to be the highest value on the list. Does that have any bearing on the issue?


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

        It shouldn't have any bearing, no. How old is this drive? What technical details does dMC report for this drive? Has it ever worked with AccurateRip for you?


        • sejarzo

          • Feb 2008
          • 9

          Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

          Originally posted by LtData
          It shouldn't have any bearing, no. How old is this drive? What technical details does dMC report for this drive? Has it ever worked with AccurateRip for you?
          Age: 2.5 years, more or less, came standard in a Compaq Presario desktop.

          dMC report....

          Manufacturer: ASUS
          CD Drive: CD-S480/A5
          Firmware: 0.99
          Maximum Speed: 8467 KB/sec (x47)
          Current Speed: 706 KB/sec (x4)
          Spin-down After: Never
          Buffer Size: 128 KB
          Accurate Stream: Yes
          C2 Error Pointers: Yes
          Reads ISRC: Yes
          Reads UPC: Yes

          And no, it's never worked with AccurateRip. I recently decided to try your product after using EAC for a couple of years, when I read on Head-Fi that several users were saving time by using dMC to rip to FLAC. This is a fresh install, just a couple of days old, from the package I downloaded from your site.

          The correct track info and album art are always retrieved from AMG for the disc inserted in the ASUS.


          • kdq

            • Feb 2008
            • 23

            Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

            No direct bearing, but make sure you download the DSP pack separately - the built-in check for updates doesn't include them.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44843

              Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

              It could be the ASUS is no longer 'accurate stream', ie the drive has become faulty, have a look in %appdata%\accuraterip

              There is an offset log file, delete it, then insert a CD (you know should work) and let it try to find the offset, then post the contents of that file here.


              • sejarzo

                • Feb 2008
                • 9

                Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                Originally posted by kdq
                No direct bearing, but make sure you download the DSP pack separately - the built-in check for updates doesn't include them.
                Don't want any DSP's!


                • sejarzo

                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9

                  Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  It could be the ASUS is no longer 'accurate stream', ie the drive has become faulty, have a look in %appdata%\accuraterip

                  There is an offset log file, delete it, then insert a CD (you know should work) and let it try to find the offset, then post the contents of that file here.

                  Well, things got totally screwed up, but at least now I'm back to where we started....sort of.

                  I opened the offset log file, saw the data for the DVD-RW drive that confirmed that it found the correct offset, and deleted it.

                  Started dMC, selected the ASUS CD-ROM as the active drive , and inserted three different discs....all with the same "chunka-chunka-chunka" and error message.......and no offset file log was present. Nothing at all--refreshed the view of the folder, nothing.

                  OK, I figure I should zero out the offset for the DVD-RW, insert the disc that worked for it yesterday, and see what happens. It started doing the same thing for the DVD-RW drive--spin up, "chunka-chunka-chunka", rejects the disc as not in the database. Again, no log file generated whatsoever.

                  Next, I decide to completely uninstall dMC and reinstall, figuring something else must have been messed up, maybe from the start. Clicked on the uninstall option in Programs, it did its thing, told me to reboot.

                  After all that, same result. I tried four different discs in the ASUS, all were rejected, no log file written. On top of that, I had to go through all four of those discs to get the DVD-RW to configure AccurateRip this time took two tries on the last one before it would work.

                  I'm mostly a classical listener, and so the pop discs that I used were all in pristine condition, and I'm sure they were carefully handled and inserted in the drive properly. Here's the log after the DVD-RW drive finally configured properly:

                  Finding Offset for E:\ [HL-DT-ST - DVDRRW GWA-4166B] - 11 Tracks [FreedB 850a0e0b, Added 0010b999, Multi 008e4201]

                  Track 1 - CRC matching 539512fd [confidence 5]
                  Track 1 - CRC matching fc6c6b35 [confidence 5]
                  Track 1 - CRC matching 4697391b [confidence 2]
                  Track 1 - CRC matching 589740cd [confidence 3]
                  Track 1 - CRC matching 00000000 [confidence 0]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 2 - CRC matching 7200e1ca [confidence 2]
                  Track 2 - CRC matching 3d0d86ae [confidence 5]
                  Track 2 - CRC matching 3f168ab6 [confidence 5]
                  Track 2 - CRC matching 38ef68c3 [confidence 2]
                  Track 2 - CRC matching a4146773 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 3 - CRC matching 4cf54400 [confidence 2]
                  Track 3 - CRC matching 890d2b4c [confidence 5]
                  Track 3 - CRC matching 021703d8 [confidence 5]
                  Track 3 - CRC matching 7fceae08 [confidence 2]
                  Track 3 - CRC matching ee718af6 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 4 - CRC matching 1ef7a0c2 [confidence 5]
                  Track 4 - CRC matching 0aad92a1 [confidence 5]
                  Track 4 - CRC matching 0b1c9210 [confidence 2]
                  Track 4 - CRC matching f012c245 [confidence 3]
                  Track 4 - CRC matching 00000000 [confidence 0]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 5 - CRC matching 757c2a44 [confidence 2]
                  Track 5 - CRC matching 9844ebea [confidence 5]
                  Track 5 - CRC matching 687f5276 [confidence 5]
                  Track 5 - CRC matching 02521ba1 [confidence 2]
                  Track 5 - CRC matching cbe5ceb0 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 6 - CRC matching 8d90d723 [confidence 2]
                  Track 6 - CRC matching 2da17d60 [confidence 5]
                  Track 6 - CRC matching 572e3cf8 [confidence 5]
                  Track 6 - CRC matching a93dd53c [confidence 2]
                  Track 6 - CRC matching 0ecd9fad [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 7 - CRC matching e525ebb6 [confidence 2]
                  Track 7 - CRC matching de6657bd [confidence 5]
                  Track 7 - CRC matching f1d331b8 [confidence 5]
                  Track 7 - CRC matching dc1cee9b [confidence 2]
                  Track 7 - CRC matching 96e9d02b [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 8 - CRC matching 5fbfbaf8 [confidence 2]
                  Track 8 - CRC matching d29db5d7 [confidence 5]
                  Track 8 - CRC matching e35a10bd [confidence 5]
                  Track 8 - CRC matching 0a176ddd [confidence 2]
                  Track 8 - CRC matching 610126de [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 9 - CRC matching 880a8ff4 [confidence 2]
                  Track 9 - CRC matching b9be7fdc [confidence 5]
                  Track 9 - CRC matching c1398563 [confidence 5]
                  Track 9 - CRC matching 61eda956 [confidence 2]
                  Track 9 - CRC matching d7521227 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 10 - CRC matching e884acd5 [confidence 2]
                  Track 10 - CRC matching cc924ea7 [confidence 5]
                  Track 10 - CRC matching 4dc55641 [confidence 5]
                  Track 10 - CRC matching a3cd7fdc [confidence 2]
                  Track 10 - CRC matching f5cd03c4 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)

                  Track 11 - CRC matching 43dd0799 [confidence 2]
                  Track 11 - CRC matching bf2fbc08 [confidence 5]
                  Track 11 - CRC matching 0572662a [confidence 3]
                  Track 11 - CRC matching b05c96d9 [confidence 2]
                  Track 11 - CRC matching 0af34249 [confidence 3]
                  Offset match at -81 samples (-324 bytes)
                  Offset match at 102 samples (408 bytes)
                  Offset match at -898 samples (-3592 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1027 samples (-4108 bytes)
                  Offset match at -1691 samples (-6764 bytes)
                  Match from Drive Database

                  Congratulations, AccurateRip has been set up correctly. It is recommended that this disc is ripped to test the accuracy of your drive. Calculated offset value: +102 samples, +408 bytes.


                  • sejarzo

                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9

                    Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                    EAC quickly analyses and reports back that both my DVD-RW and the ASUS CD-ROM have AccurateStream capability, neither drive has caching, and only the ASUS has "C2 Error Info."
                    Last edited by sejarzo; February 12, 2008, 03:42 PM.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44843

                      Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                      Can EAC find the offset for that Asus drive? install the latest beta version as it has AccurateRip installed.


                      • sejarzo

                        • Feb 2008
                        • 9

                        Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        Can EAC find the offset for that Asus drive? install the latest beta version as it has AccurateRip installed.
                        No, EAC can't do it, either. Does that lead you to any possible reason for this behavior?


                        • sejarzo

                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9

                          Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                          AccurateRip in the EAC beta was also able to configure the DVD-RW on the first shot, just as dMC did the first time around.


                          • sejarzo

                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9

                            Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive

                            Any other ideas, guys?


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44843

                              Re: Strange behavior with ASUS drive


