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cd.ini and bulk loading track names

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  • kdq

    • Feb 2008
    • 23

    cd.ini and bulk loading track names

    I see a reference to cdplayer.ini under the meta options, but I can't find any documentation on it.

    On a possibly related note, I have CDs with dozens of tracks, and I have the track listings in a text file. Is there some way to point the ripper at that file for the track names, and maybe other tags?

    Thanks for all the support here folks - I'm having a blast and feeding both freedb and All Media Guide, not to mention AccurateRip. I'm in the middle of ripping the complete collection of Bach Organ works.
    Last edited by kdq; February 08, 2008, 02:45 AM. Reason: Not "cd.ini", but "cdplayer.ini"
  • kdq

    • Feb 2008
    • 23

    Re: cdplayer.ini and bulk loading track names

    Bad form to follow up on one's post, but I see the ripper *writes* cdplayer.ini, but doesn't *read* from it, and, in fact, overwrites the changes I make.
    Last edited by kdq; February 08, 2008, 03:15 AM. Reason: typos


    • kdq

      • Feb 2008
      • 23

      Re: cdplayer.ini and bulk loading track names

      Even worse form to double-follow-up. Here's what I've found:

      Put in some information for the CD, including one track name - it doesn't matter what name you put it - it's just a place keeper. Rip the one track. Disable all the meta input except cdplayer.ini and exit.

      Edit cdplayer.ini, being aware that there are bare <CR> charcters, so use a good editor - I use Epsilon. Go to the end of the file and put the track information there. Restart the ripper, and voila!

