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AccurateRip: drive list with stats ?

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  • tourrilhes

    • Jan 2008
    • 34

    AccurateRip: drive list with stats ?


    A long while back, Spoon gave us a list of drive and their statistics in AccurateRip's database.

    I find the idea of this list great, however the list above is quite old. Is there any more recent version of the list, with more moderns drives ?

    The reason is simple. I'm looking at buying a drive for ripping. Many of my CDs are not in the database. I know Spoon recommends the Plextor PX230a, unfortunately it's hard to get in the standard shopping places. Having such a list would help me make an informed choice.

    Thanks in advance...

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: AccurateRip: drive list with stats ?

    The problem with such a list was the number of discs ripped on the new drives by their definition was low (as they have just come out, they might only have 200 cds in the database which is not a good high number to get an accuracy report).


    • tourrilhes

      • Jan 2008
      • 34

      Re: AccurateRip: drive list with stats ?


      I'm fully aware of the limits of such statistics. You need both enough *popular* CDs and enough users to get anything meaningfull. And it tells you only about AccurateRip accuracy, it does not tell you how good is the hardware at dealing with scratches and how fast is the rip (other important considerations).

      But, any information is better than no information. I think you can trust people to interpret that raw information properly, especially if you add explicit warning about it.
      The truth is that there is no good review of drives when it come to DAE (although cdrlabs come close), so we will have to take whatever we can get.

      Personally, I've seen huge variation in rip quality between the few drive I tested. I have a drive that gives me an almost consistent error on a track (EAC secure mode). I'm quite worried about people pushing crappy data in the AccurateRip database because they are using crappy hardware, and we should push people to use good hardware to get good data in the database.
      I've been in disagrement with AccurateRip on specific tracks despite ripping it 5-6 times on two good drives with EAC in secure mode with C2 enabled. The rest of the CD match, so I find it strange that only this track differs. And the track plays fine.


