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CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

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  • dgncadiz

    • Jan 2008
    • 7

    CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

    Hi all. I have downloaded Mtallica black album from internet in lossless format, and I´ve burn it in EAC with all read and write offset corrected and I overwrited lead-in and lead-out. But AR doesn´t recognise this CD when I try to rip it. I have compare the Original downloaded wav file with one ripped from the burned CD, and the wav is the same (Without error). Why AR doesn´t recognize it?? I guess that i t doesn´t recognize because the downloaded album is not a perfect RIP, Am I wrong?

    (Once I have burned the CD I use AR because I want to know if that album downloaded from the internet is the same that AR has in his Database)
    Thanks and sorry for my english, I´m Spanish.
    Last edited by dgncadiz; January 20, 2008, 11:05 AM.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

    Ripping burned CD and them then appearing in AR has never worked, to my knowledge. One problem, of many, resides in the fact that the original CD drive that ripped the songs applies its offset to the first track and then when the CD is burned, this is not compensated for. You would have to know the CD the file was originally ripped from to have a hope of getting this right.


    • dgncadiz

      • Jan 2008
      • 7

      Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

      But when I opened the log file included in the download file I saw that reading offset correction is applied. Theoretically there isn´t any error from the original ripping (all the song were accuratelly ripped). And if I´ve applied correctly my drive´s offset, where could be the mistake?
      Thanks for answering.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

        And how do you know that the person that ripped it, ripped it with the correct offset?


        • dgncadiz

          • Jan 2008
          • 7

          Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

          The downloaded file has a log, in which I saw that the person applied the correct offset of her drive.
          Do you mean that he could be wrong or he modified the log? If so, You are absolutely right.
          Anyway, if the person that ripped the original CD has ripped it well, I would have a perfect copy, without error, right? (Assuming that when I burn the downloaded file, I applied offset correction and ussing overwritting lead-in and lead-out)


          • Rollo

            • Feb 2007
            • 44

            Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

            Post the log.


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

              Another problem might be that since your offset and their offset are different, especially if their offset is large and yours is small, then you are missing audio data which would result in the disc having different checksums.


              • dgncadiz

                • Jan 2008
                • 7

                Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

                EAC extraction logfile from 25. November 2006, 20:36 for CD
                Yann Tiersen / Amélie

                Used drive : TSSTcorpCD/DVDW SH-W162C Adapter: 2 ID: 0
                Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
                Read offset correction : 6
                [COLOR="lime"]Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No[/COLOR]

                Used output format : C:\Programmi\FLAC\flac.exe (User Defined Encoder)
                320 kBit/s
                Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=Exact Audio Copy 0.95 b5 Secure Mode / FLAC q8 v. 1.1.2" %s

                [COLOR="Lime"]Other options :
                Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
                Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
                Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000[/COLOR]

                Track 1
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\01 - J'y suis jamais allé.wav

                Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00

                Peak level 89.5 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 0BD2B126
                Copy CRC 0BD2B126
                Copy OK

                Track 2
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\02 - Les jours tristes.wav

                Peak level 96.6 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 8CB2C5D5
                Copy CRC 8CB2C5D5
                Copy OK

                Track 3
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\03 - La valse d'Amélie.wav

                Peak level 96.8 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 9D0B022F
                Copy CRC 9D0B022F
                Copy OK

                Track 4
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\04 - Comptine d'un autre été - L'après midi.wav

                Peak level 97.9 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 4C0BAA7F
                Copy CRC 4C0BAA7F
                Copy OK

                Track 5
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\05 - La noyée.wav

                Peak level 98.1 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 254CBC28
                Copy CRC 254CBC28
                Copy OK

                Track 6
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\06 - L'autre valse d'Amélie.wav

                Peak level 78.4 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC F9658757
                Copy CRC F9658757
                Copy OK

                Track 7
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\07 - Guilty.wav

                Peak level 76.8 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 1333BB5E
                Copy CRC 1333BB5E
                Copy OK

                Track 8
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\08 - A quai.wav

                Peak level 98.8 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 7F42BD66
                Copy CRC 7F42BD66
                Copy OK

                Track 9
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\09 - Le moulin.wav

                Peak level 96.6 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 558E446E
                Copy CRC 558E446E
                Copy OK

                Track 10
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\10 - Pas si simple.wav

                Peak level 77.2 %
                Track quality 99.9 %
                Test CRC FD8481D5
                Copy CRC FD8481D5
                Copy OK

                Track 11
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\11 - La valse d'Amélie (orchestra).wav

                Peak level 97.6 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC CF9A5571
                Copy CRC CF9A5571
                Copy OK

                Track 12
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\12 - La valse des vieux os.wav

                Peak level 78.5 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 73F728BA
                Copy CRC 73F728BA
                Copy OK

                Track 13
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\13 - La dispute.wav

                Peak level 97.9 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 06783466
                Copy CRC 06783466
                Copy OK

                Track 14
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\14 - Si tu n'étais pas là (Fréhel).wav

                Peak level 68.2 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC E672E673
                Copy CRC E672E673
                Copy OK

                Track 15
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\15 - Soir de fête.wav

                Peak level 82.6 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC C437F580
                Copy CRC C437F580
                Copy OK

                Track 16
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\16 - La redécouverte.wav

                Peak level 65.7 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC FDAAE622
                Copy CRC FDAAE622
                Copy OK

                Track 17
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\17 - Sur le fil.wav

                Peak level 98.2 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC F4FF163F
                Copy CRC F4FF163F
                Copy OK

                Track 18
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\18 - Le banquet.wav

                Peak level 87.4 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 9215CEEC
                Copy CRC 9215CEEC
                Copy OK

                Track 19
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\19 - La valse d'Amélie (piano).wav

                Peak level 81.0 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC C707E924
                Copy CRC C707E924
                Copy OK

                Track 20
                Filename G:\Yann Tiersen - Amélie\20 - La valse des monstres.wav

                Peak level 70.1 %
                Track quality 100.0 %
                Test CRC 8DC5A14A
                Copy CRC 8DC5A14A
                Copy OK

                No errors occured

                End of status report

                That is the log. I have colorized some areas that I think that are suspicious in this log. Could be that the reason? If so, What do I expect from the log to have a perfect copy? Thanks again, and sorry for the delay. :smile2:


                • drjenkins

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 42

                  Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

                  1. Only the first track has the pre-length gap listed. It looks like the ripper did not calculate gaps. Each track in the log should look like:
                  Track 3
                  Filename D:\MR\Al Stewart - The Best Of Al Stewart- Songs From The Radio\03 - Delia's Gone.wav

                  Pre-gap length 0:00:00.53

                  Peak level 97.6 %
                  Test CRC 7E7101E0
                  Copy CRC 7E7101E0
                  Copy OK

                  2. Do you have a cue file? To burn a precise duplicate you need to use the detailed pre and post gap information in the cue file.
                  TRACK 03 AUDIO
                  TITLE "03 - Delia's Gone"
                  PERFORMER "Al Stewart"
                  INDEX 00 04:16:10
                  FILE "03 - Delia's Gone.wav" WAVE
                  INDEX 01 00:00:00

                  3. Without the above gap info (the INDEX numbers) you can still burn an exact duplicate of the music, which is the most important thing after all. But you cannot burn an exact duplicate of the disc. Keep in mind that even different pressings of the same disc usually result in different Accuraterip checksums.



                  • Backstreets

                    • Jan 2008
                    • 1

                    Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

                    Originally posted by dgncadiz
                    EAC extraction logfile from 25. November 2006, 20:36 for CD
                    Drive offsets and gaps have nothing to do with disc identification.
                    If the CD was extracted correctly and burned with the appropriate cue file then it will be recognized by Accuraterip assuming of course that it is in the database.

                    If it is in the database but not ripped and burned with the correct drive offsets Accuraterip will report the rip as a “different pressing”.


                    • touseol

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 1

                      Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

                      Originally posted by dgncadiz
                      That is the log. I have colorized some areas that I think that are suspicious in this log. Could be that the reason? If so, What do I expect from the log to have a perfect copy? Thanks again, and sorry for the delay. :smile2:
                      Might it be that the log file is from a ripping of the Amelie soundtrack and not Metallica's black album which was the album you said you downloaded?


                      • dgncadiz

                        • Jan 2008
                        • 7

                        Re: CD not in Accuraterip DATABASE???

                        Originally posted by touseol
                        Might it be that the log file is from a ripping of the Amelie soundtrack and not Metallica's black album which was the album you said you downloaded?
                        Yes, you are right but it doesn´t matter. I have the same problems with both albums. I have been researching those days and the problem is the cue sheet, as you said. The only way to have a perfect bit per bit copy of an original disc is making a cue sheet and not splitting the wav file (and detecting previously the gaps). It seems that if I split the wav file (with medieval CUEsplitter for example) some information is lost. Thanks to all for helping me.

