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Exchanging Drive letters

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  • KHRitschel

    • Jan 2008
    • 1

    Exchanging Drive letters


    after some years of absence I tried the most recent version and everything functioned well with my two DVD-drives ("Y:" R/W-drive and "Z:" RO-drive).

    Today I registered to the "Reference edition" and found out that afterwards the choice of letter "Y" (Samsung TSSTcorp DVDW SH-S182M) in CD Ripper is always quitted with the following message by Windows Vista Ultimate 32 reading (translated from German) "dBpoweramp CD Ripper is not functioing any longer. The program is not executed because of a problem. The program will be terminated and you will be informed as soon as a solution is available."

    I tried to start in the "Administrator"-mode, but the same error message comes up and terminates the functions.

    Well, I then observed, that a drive letter "J:" came up (with all the functions belonging to the real drive "Y:". After some further investigation I checked that this drive letter is assigned by "Virtual CD v.9".

    Is this behaviour a fault or a feature? :D
    And what am I supposed to do to return to "normal" access?

    Kindest regards
    Karl-Heinz Ritschel
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Exchanging Drive letters

    The fault is probabbly Virtual CD not acting like a propper cd drive and returning incorrect values.

    See the FAQ here to reset dbpoweramp:

    ...also how to do a full reset of dBpoweramp? (if dBpoweramp crashes for some reason) Where does dBpoweramp save its files / settings? It is installed to c:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp or c:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp The 64 bit version of dBpoweramp is installed to: c:\Program Files\dBpoweramp It

    Then reinstall.

