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Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

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  • Biggsy

    • Jun 2013
    • 47

    Batch converter changing file's modified dates?


    Just run a ReplayGain calc on my files, but have noticed that despite having the 'Preserve modified dates' option checked, all the files that I processed show a 'date modified' of today. Have I done something incorrectly?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

    Windows or OSX?

    Where are the files stored?


    • Biggsy

      • Jun 2013
      • 47

      Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Windows or OSX?

      Where are the files stored?

      The batch converter is running on Win 11 Pro, files are on a Synology NAS box running the latest version of DSM


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

        Which version of dBpoweramp do you have?


        • Biggsy

          • Jun 2013
          • 47

          Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

          I’m running R17.7


          • Biggsy

            • Jun 2013
            • 47

            Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

            Do you need anymore info? I'm happy to re-run the ReplayGain calc if that would help at all?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44847

              Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

              Copy one album to your local computer and run replaygain on it, does the date change?


              • Biggsy

                • Jun 2013
                • 47

                Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

                I already had an album on my local PC, so i used Batch Converter to do the RG calc on half the files, making sure the 'preserve date' option was checked. The dates did not change.
                I then did the other half of the album with the 'preserve date' turned OFF, and this time the dates did change.

                I repeated the same steps but this time on al album on my Synology, and in each case the modified date on the file changed to today's date.

                Looks like this could be a Synology O/S issue to me so feel free to close this ticket if you agree (or leave it open if you think it needs further investigation)

                The reason I raised this was having run a RG calc against my whole library (17,000+ tracks), my incremental backup proceeded to copy the whole lot which, whilst not being the end of the world, wasn't really what I was hoping for (essentially because the RG calc is repeatable, I'm not really that bothered if I have to ever restore a file from backup that doesn't have the RG tags)


                • GBrown
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Oct 2009
                  • 355

                  Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

                  The only problem with not updating the modified date is that some library managers and players won't recognize the change to the RG info until the next time that file is actually played. That may not be relevant to everyone, but certainly something to consider when deciding whether or not to enable the option to "preserve date" when making any changes.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44847

                    Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

                    It looks like the synology is not allowing the date to be reset.


                    • Biggsy

                      • Jun 2013
                      • 47

                      Re: Batch converter changing file's modified dates?

                      Agreed. Bit of a bummer though because all the albums/tracks affected are now showing up as ‘new’ in Asset.

                      Appreciate its not your issue, maybe worth including in a KB article somewhere just to:
                      1. Save you having to answer the same question again
                      2. Just as a point of awareness for others

