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Is it possible to create a playlist (m3u) with rules manipulation?

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  • ElMarko

    • Oct 2020
    • 15

    Is it possible to create a playlist (m3u) with rules manipulation?

    Hi, I'm using a QNAP NAS for my library and was wondering if it's possible to use rules manipulation to export a track only listing (with file path) of the files in my media folder? Basically a list (with file path) of files in the media folder without all the folders. Output would be a text file. From there I could copy the desired tracks into another text file that could be saved as a playlist file (m3u). I'm currently doing this manually and it's a slow effort. I haven't found any playlist creator apps for mac so I figure I'd ask. thanks in advance.
  • ElMarko

    • Oct 2020
    • 15

    Re: Is it possible to create a playlist (m3u) with rules manipulation?

    Hi, yeah, I'm limited in my understanding of your post. I'm not sure where I'd be writing the scripts you shared. And I'm on a QNAP not a Synology.

    I'd love to be able to dump all the tracks with filepath into a text file.

    I'm not aware of software that does this for Mac. I see a playlist creator app for windows but haven't used it.


    • ElMarko

      • Oct 2020
      • 15

      Re: Is it possible to create a playlist (m3u) with rules manipulation?

      Ok, I was able to solve my problem using a shell command on the QNAP so all is good now. thanks.

