I first noticed that some folder.jpg files were randomly missing in the conversion for several albums (in their respective folders). I am doing a batch conversion using the [origpath]\[origfilename]. I also have the flag set in "folder.jpg preserve" as well as calling out the extension ".jpg" in the "files with extension" box. In addition, I have the ID tag setup to export folder.jpg under "manipulations/album art". In playing with some consistent problem mp3 folder files, doing multiple conversions, I noticed that if I remove the Conditional Coding DSP doing a 1:1 on "is not lossless" or "has extension .mp3" set to "if any condition matches" I get the 1:1 move of the mp3 but the art is not embedded and there is no folder.jpg. For further clarification.. when using the Conditional Coding I'm trying either the extension box w/".mp3" in it or the "is not lossless" NOT both at the same time. Doing this to try different things to see what may work! So far nothing has. Anyone seen this? Any ideas as to what I can do to resolve it?
Thank you!
Thank you!