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Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

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  • Chefi

    • Feb 2013
    • 28

    Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

    Hello and good evening.
    For certain devices I would like to strip the files of their Mutli Disc tag and count the tracks countinuesly across an album.
    Reason being that these so called stupid devices would play those albums in order "CD1-Track1" "CD2-Track1" "CD1-Track2" and so on...

    The easy way would be to set the "Album" Tag [Album]-[Disc] in a first step and then just leave it at that, but that is really not very graceful, and increases the number of albums you have without reason.

    Much more ellegant would be to be able to count continuesly:
    CD1 T1 - CD1 T1
    .... - ........
    CD1 T9 - CD1 T9
    CD2 T1 - CD1 T10

    I hope that scheme and my broken english "illustrate" what i'm up to.

    I have a very loose memory that that was possible at some point, but either that memory is wrong or i can't find it anymore.
    Because the software can identify albums by their album tag, for example for ReplayGain.

    If not, could someone give me a hint on how to figure it out myself with RuleBasedManipulation (here i simply don't know of any way to cross reference an information between conversions) or with an external script (about which i know nothing)?

    Help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in adavance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

    Insert disc 1, set the disc label as:


    Rip, then insert disc 2, again set the disc label as:


    right click on track 1 and add a +100 track offset.

    For disc 2 add two +100 track offsets. If the disc number is added also to the album name, remove it.


    • Chefi

      • Feb 2013
      • 28

      Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

      I'm far behind ripping at this point.
      I hoped for doing it after the fact when converting masses of already to flac ripped cd's for into other formats, which is why i posted in "Batch Converter".


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4025

        Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

        Originally posted by Chefi
        I'm far behind ripping at this point.
        I hoped for doing it after the fact when converting masses of already to flac ripped cd's for into other formats, which is why i posted in "Batch Converter".
        So, for each disc in the multi-disc album, the disc tag is populated?

        How are your audio filenames formatted e.g. [track] [artist] - [title]?

        Which device do you have the issue with?


        • Chefi

          • Feb 2013
          • 28

          Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

          Yes, for each and every file i own the [Disc] tag is always populated with its correct actual disc number.

          Swapping Questions 2 and 3: the device is an old third party car radio, wich ignores the disc tag, which is why i fusion multi disc albums, and can only read 255 folders on a FAT32 USB stick, and FAT32 only allows a ceratin number of chars per folder, which is why i have come up with the following so far, to answer question 2:

          [UPPER][GRAB]1,2,[album artist][][]\[album artist]-[album][IF][tag]MultiDisc[],=,1,-[SETLEN]2,48,,[tag]Original Disc[][].[tag]Original Track[],[IFVALUE]track,-[track][][]-[title][IF][tag]Original Artist[],=,[artist],,-[tag]Original Artist[][]

          As you may see I created the tags [MultiDisc],[Original Disc], [Original Track] and [Original Artist] beforehand with ID-Processing DSP's to retain those information for the filename, in case i ever have to browse the files manually, because then i streamline the actual tags for easy use on that radio.

          I had to create my own [MultiDisc] tag because for the stupid thing to work i had to use "Drop Disc Count", and then poweramp build in mutli disc recognition fails, so i might be up for a disappointment here anyway. The reason for that is that i also had to swap chars like "/", which than messes up the disc count completely.

          The only thing i need to know now, is how to have poweramp count the tracks per album continuesly, and have it "simulate" single disc releases.
          Last edited by Chefi; October 10, 2018, 07:44 AM. Reason: clarification and grammar


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4025

            Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

            dBpoweramp does not renumber, as you would like.

            Are all your multi-disc album tracks in a single folder? If yes, MP3Tag has an auto-numbering tool, that will help you.


            • Chefi

              • Feb 2013
              • 28

              Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

              No yet, but thats one of the workarounds i have thought about. It would be two additional steps though, first convert into a structure with all files in one album, use MP3Tag and rearrange with dBPoweramp again.
              Another one would be to set [Track]=[Disc][Track].
              But in that case i would have to figure out how to do zero padding in ID-Processing and if the radio even supports three digits....


              • mville
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2008
                • 4025

                Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

                Why the need to re-arrange. I have all (inc. multi-disc) album tracks in a single folder for both flac and mp3 libraries.

                Is the car radio able to read tags, or is it simply reading filenames?


                • Chefi

                  • Feb 2013
                  • 28

                  Re: Multi Disc Simplification for stupid devices, aka counting continuesly

                  It reads tags. There is a toolkit that creates a database, and that reads tags to.
                  Re-arranging is nessecary because of limitations as well as fat32 and the radio. With all files in one folder the folder gets to big for fat32, with all files in a seperate Album folder there are to many folders for the radio. Grabbing the first two chars of Album Artist gives me a working balance.
                  I'll try it with mp3-tag, i don't update that library to regularly.
                  But maybe Spoon is still reading and considering that function for R17. It don't think it's further fetched that dropping counts or re-arraning multiple artists.

