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Temp file location for OS X / OSX / Mac ?

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  • ZPrime

    • Jun 2009
    • 12

    Temp file location for OS X / OSX / Mac ?

    Used multiple names in the subject hoping it will help it show up in searches more easily.

    I just batch-converted ~6000 files from Apple Lossless to AAC. All files are on a NAS, both source and target destination; Mac connected via copper 1gbps and NAS the same.

    After finishing, TimeMachine decided to start a backup, and I noticed it was going to be something north of 6GB of data...

    Only thing I can guess is that it was maybe grabbing temp files that were generated during the conversion? Where would those be stored locally, so I can exclude that folder from TimeMachine backups?

    Not directly related (Belongs in a different forum section), but is there any way to submit AccurateRip results from OS X? I couldn't find any way to force it like exists on Windows.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Temp file location for OS X / OSX / Mac ?

    There is no way of submitting AccurateRip details from the Mac version.


    • ZPrime

      • Jun 2009
      • 12

      Re: Temp file location for OS X / OSX / Mac ?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      There is no way of submitting AccurateRip details from the Mac version.
      Thanks Spoon. Where does Batch Ripper store temp files while transcoding? That is the only likely cause I can come up with for this mysterious amount of new data to be backed up by Time Machine. Does it go into ~/Library/dbPoweramp/DecoderCache ?


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Temp file location for OS X / OSX / Mac ?

        We use the temp location provided by the operating system for intermediate data.

        The actual path will vary between systems ( a security measure ) but will look like this: /var/folders/<number>/<string of seemingly random text>/T/dBpoweramp-Music-Converter-temp
        You can locate it via terminal by going into /var/folders and typing: find * | fgrep dBpoweramp

        We do write various temp files when performing conversion:
        - temporary WAV files being fed to Apple AAC codec
        - in various scenarios - converting to NAS volume in particular - the encoder output goes to a temp file which is then copied to the target location

        However, I've just tested it myself and we do not appear to leak any temp files - at the time the conversion is complete, all the new content in our temp folder is gone. If you can find a scenario where we do leave temp files, please post more details and it will be fixed shortly.

