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dbPoweramp is not recognizing any of my music files.

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  • Lost1

    • Jul 2017
    • 4

    dbPoweramp is not recognizing any of my music files.

    I've just installed/purchased dbPoweramp, and have tried to do a test on one cd folder of music. I have dowloaded the WMA codec set, as all of my files are wma files and I want to convert them to MP3. I am running Windows 7 64 bit and Windows Media Player 12. What I wish to do is batch convert music with tags intact, into MP3 into a new folder, preserving the WMA copies.
    I've started the software and tried selecting an album folder in Batch Converter. Across the bottom it says I have no files. Then, when I click "List" at the top, it grabs music from a completely different file that I have not selected.
    Can you please advise? This is extremely frustrating and confusing, to say the least. Many thanks.
    Last edited by Lost1; July 14, 2017, 12:50 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: dbPoweramp is not recognizing any of my music files.

    Have you previously had an older version of dBpoweramp installed? such as R14 or earlier?


    • Lost1

      • Jul 2017
      • 4

      Re: dbPoweramp is not recognizing any of my music files.

      Hello and thanks, Spoon. No, I just purchased the R.16 (?) current version this week.
      I did try a few more things last night so perhaps I can clarify my issue. I wish to convert one designated folder (let&*8217;s name this Folder A) containing a number of cd album files, and that folder only. Batch Converter is offering an all-or-nothing option. I spent two hours on this last night with no success.
      Per the instructions for Batch conversion on your website, in the Explorer window of Batch Converter I selected/highlighted the folder (Folder A) of cd albums that I wish to convert. Nothing showed up on the right hand side of the Explorer list, and the message at the bottom right of the screen said &*8220;0 files in this folder&*8221;.
      Next, I tried opening the individual subfolders within Folder A on the left in the Explorer window, to make sure they were in fact highlighted properly. They all were &*8211; and only the contents of ONE cd album folder were displayed on the right as opposed to all five in Folder A.
      Next, I just decided to push the Convert button to see what would happen. I again highlighted Folder A in the Explorer screen, ignored the &*8220;0 files&*8221; message and pressed Convert. I got the conversion screen where it confirms the settings that you want&*8230;and the blue button on the top line stated that it was going to convert ALL 4,000 music files found everywhere on my computer, rather than just Folder A.
      Next, I started over. Went back to the Explorer screen to try something different. Highlighted Folder A and clicked the &*8220;List&*8221; button at the top. It showed ALL 4,000 music files found everywhere on my computer, and they were ALL selected for conversion. Wrong again.
      In your particular instruction example of making just a music list For The Car, it was stated to pick a master folder and then hand-deselect the files that you didn&*8217;t want to bring along.
      So my question is: In order to only convert Folder A, do I seriously have to hand de-select 3,500 items just to get the 500 that I do want?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: dbPoweramp is not recognizing any of my music files.

        No this is not how it works, as a test create a new folder and put some wma files in this folder.

        Then start batch converter, click on the box next to the new folder you have created to add a selection, then click 'List' button. How many files does it list?

