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meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

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  • rupeshforu3

    • Jun 2017
    • 35

    meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

    Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have some music files and I want to convert to other file format which have reduced file size at no quality loss atleast minimum.

    I have done some experiments and found that aac is the best codec which produces m4a files or mp4 files.

    I have tried dbpoweramp and I have found the terms lc,he aac below 56 kbps, he 2 aac below 96 kbps.

    Can you suggest what is the meaning and difference between lc, he and he2. Which is the best recommend for optimum sound quality and also which is the best recommended for lower file size. For some files I have used 48 kbps and for some I have used 64 kbps and for some I have used 80 kbps. Coming to lc, he,he v2 I have confused.

    Please suggest which one to select ie., lc,he,he v2 for bitrates 48 kbps to 96 kbps so that I will re convert source files to produce m4a files with optimum sound quality at lowest file sizes.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

    They are different encoding methods, see:

    HE means high efficiency, with the he2 is PS which is Parametric Stereo, these are ways of encoding very low bitrates with reasonable quality. Note the player has to be able to decode HE and HE2.


    • rupeshforu3

      • Jun 2017
      • 35

      Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

      The link provided doesn't contain descriptions for lc,he,he v2.

      Is there any nice book which provide descriptions of aac,he,he v2, lc.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

        It is all going to be technical.


        • rupeshforu3

          • Jun 2017
          • 35

          Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

          Up to now I thought that he v2 aac is best than he aac but upon visiting some web page I found it's false. Can you explain the meaning of the terms lc aac, he aac, he v2 aac. Suppose I want to convert using fdk aac with 48 kbps vbr can you suggest which of the above setting's to use and suppose I want to convert using fdk aac with 64 kbps vbr can you suggest which of the above setting's to use.

          May I know which codec among m4a, opus is best for lowest file size.

          Last edited by rupeshforu3; November 24, 2017, 11:14 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

            48Kbps use HE v2, 64Kbps use HE


            • rupeshforu3

              • Jun 2017
              • 35

              Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

              When to use lc aac I mean at which bitrate to use lc aac.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: meaning of technical terms in Nero aac and fdk aac

                Above 128Kbps

