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Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

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  • paultaylor

    • Oct 2016
    • 16

    Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

    Hi, just ran Batch Converter over a series of Wav files with an embedded ID3 tag and converted to Flac. It has done a great job of converting the audio and standard fields like album, artist ectera but there is a problem with the TXXX fields. BatchConverter has converted these so they exist in the Flac tag however the problem is that the conversion just uses the same value rather than mapping to the correct equivalent Flac name for the field.

    So for example MusicBrainz Picard and other MusicBrainz and my own compatible applications such as Jaikoz and SongKong store the MusicBrainz Release Id in a TXXX frame with the description MusicBrainz Album Id when using ID3 but when tagging a Flac file they use MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID, but BatchConverter just creates a field called MusicBrainz Album Id which is not recognized by any MusicBrainz compatible tagger.

    The upshot being that if I convert a set of files with BatchConverter I have to rematch them all again.

    I'm not entirely sure why different field names were used for TXXX/Flac but I think it was to try and abide by existing naming conventions, but these fieldnames are clearly defined in the link below and have been used for a long time so would it be possible to support these conversions in DbPoweramp ?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44700

    Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

    Use the DSP effect 'ID Tag Processing' and you can rename the tags on Mapping


    • paultaylor

      • Oct 2016
      • 16

      Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

      Thankyou, okay that does work well for TXXX frames but I have two related issues.

      1. The primary identifier is stored in a UFID frame with the owner identifier field set to, and the identifier set to a GUID such as 47ee8511-0ab0-4f0d-a206-ea260ca4f6eb. how can this value to be carried over into the Flac, currently it seems to get lost.

      2. Its quite fiddly entering the pairs into the ID Tag Processing dialog, and I have about 20 fields to add. Once done is there a way to share it, is it saved to a file somewhere so someelse can use the same mapping without having to add it in again.

      (Sorry I think messed up link, this should work


      • paultaylor

        • Oct 2016
        • 16

        Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

        I guess there is not currently a solution for 1>, but is there for 2> ?


        • paultaylor

          • Oct 2016
          • 16

          Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44700

            Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

            The chosen dsp effects can be saved, right click on the dsp list >> Save


            • paultaylor

              • Oct 2016
              • 16

              Re: Intelligent Conversion of ID3 TXXX fields to Flac fields

              Ah thankyou thats great.

