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Problem with batch converter

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  • MarnixM

    • Sep 2014
    • 2

    Problem with batch converter

    Good morning,
    Experience from the Netherlands with the use of the batch converter of dBpoweramp.

    After bought a streammagic 6 V2 I started to rip my complete CD collection at first to the losless WAV format, which took me about 14 days… Because I did not orientate well, I noticed that WAV contained to less meta information and I converted all the WAV’s with use of your batch converter to uncompressed FLAC. Took some time, but anyway…

    But when playing in particular opera CD’s on my streammagic I encountered GAP problems between the separate tracks which were originally recorded gapless on CD. The problem occurred was that a next track of the opera already started about 0.5 second before the running track was ended. For gapless opera recording this is a nasty thing.

    After several discussions with Cambridge Audio (I first thought it was a hardware problem) I discovered after performing tests, that for new test rips with the dBpoweramp ripper all problems were solved. My only conclusion therefore is that the batch conversion from WAV to FLAC caused my GAP problem as described.

    Maybe this information is useful for further improvements of your fine ripping program.

    The Netherlands.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Problem with batch converter

    Wave to flac is lossless, the audio data is 100% identical and countless 100's of millions of conversions have been done over the last 15 years and never once was this not so.

