today I upgraded to dbpoweramp R15.
If I want to adjust the replay gain of some mp3 files, but the "replay gain" in option "convertion to" is missing (see screenshot).

After the installation of "dBpoweramp-Codec-[ReplayGain].exe" the option is visible but I get an error message:
PS: I uninstalled R14 before I installed R15.
today I upgraded to dbpoweramp R15.
If I want to adjust the replay gain of some mp3 files, but the "replay gain" in option "convertion to" is missing (see screenshot).
After the installation of "dBpoweramp-Codec-[ReplayGain].exe" the option is visible but I get an error message:
Error converting to [ReplayGain], 'Dean And I.mp3' to 'Dean And I' Error: Unable to load encoder '[ReplayGain]'. [dBCoreConverter::dBCoreConverter]