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refreshing the database.

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  • tw0sheds

    • Jul 2018
    • 34

    refreshing the database.

    I have a QNAP TS453D
    I run many instances of Asset pointing at different folders.

    I am having an issue with getting the data to update. I have tried:
    'Rescan folder detecting changes'
    'Clear database, rescan all folders'

    I have emptied the recycle bin on the NAS.

    I have even renamed all the files and folders involved and totally redone the file tags but still I get the wrong (old) info being presented.

    I have tried deleting an instance and recreating it giving it a different name but it still finds the incorrect (old) data despite the files not existing anymore.

  • tw0sheds

    • Jul 2018
    • 34

    Re: refreshing the database.

    Originally posted by tw0sheds
    I have a QNAP TS453D
    I run many instances of Asset pointing at different folders.

    I am having an issue with getting the data to update. I have tried:
    'Rescan folder detecting changes'
    'Clear database, rescan all folders'

    I have emptied the recycle bin on the NAS.

    I have even renamed all the files and folders involved and totally redone the file tags but still I get the wrong (old) info being presented.

    I have tried deleting an instance and recreating it giving it a different name but it still finds the incorrect (old) data despite the files not existing anymore.

    I've just tried reinstalling Asset - same results. How can it index files that don't exist?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: refreshing the database.

      It is likely your control point is caching the listings, try clearing the cache on it, or uninstall and reinstall it.


      • tw0sheds

        • Jul 2018
        • 34

        Re: refreshing the database.

        What do you mean by 'control point'?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: refreshing the database.

          The program used to browse asset and control your player.


          • tw0sheds

            • Jul 2018
            • 34

            Re: refreshing the database.

            OK, I use PC, iPod, iPhone and Android phone - all have the issue despite having removed the apps and reinstalled them


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: refreshing the database.

              Browse by File and Folder browsing (on the advanced page), are the correct filenames and folders shown?

              How did you update the ID Tags? with which program? what is the audio format?


              • tw0sheds

                • Jul 2018
                • 34

                Re: refreshing the database.

                Hi, sorry for the delay, been a bit busy

                When I browse to the files on the NAS through Windows Explorer the files are correct.

                When I browse to an Asset database using any media player (Linn Kazoo, Arcam MusicLife, Lumin or Foobar2000) the incorrect results are shown.
                All these apps have been tried on multiple devices (PC, iPhone, iPad and Android phone) all have been uninstalled and reinstalled several times as has Asset on the NAS. The NAS has had it's recycle bin emptied.
                What baffles me is the files being presented no longer exist. I re-riped the discs (dbPowerAmp) and completely retagged them. Even tried putting them in a different source folder, with a different name but still incorrect.

                I create/update tags using Tag&Rename, files are FLAC with Vorbis Tags

                It's driving me mad


                • tw0sheds

                  • Jul 2018
                  • 34

                  Re: refreshing the database.

                  Ah sorry,
                  No, when I browse to 'Additional > Folders & Filename Browsing' the same incorrect info is shown
                  I have created a new folder with just one of the albums
                  i.e. temp\2004 - Join The Dots (B-Sides & Rarities 1978-2001)


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: refreshing the database.

                    It cannot be asset, as this list is created live from the files, something is caching the results, or you have another library pointing to another music library?


                    • tw0sheds

                      • Jul 2018
                      • 34

                      Re: refreshing the database.

                      This morning I have checked and Folders & Filename Browsing is now showing the correct results.
                      Browsing via Album Artist still shows the incorrect results


                      • tw0sheds

                        • Jul 2018
                        • 34

                        Re: refreshing the database.

                        Maybe I'm expecting the 'wrong' results from Album Artist browsing?

                        I have a folder \Cure\2004 - Join The Dots (B-Sides & Rarities 1978-2001), inside this are 4 sub folders, each with its own name (i.e. CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4)
                        I expect that it would show the results separately as the album name tags are Join The Dots CD1, Join The Dots CD2, Join The Dots CD3, Join The Dots CD4

                        What it does show is the album name as '2004 Join The Dots', when selected all the tracks show on the same screen.
                        Numbering is also odd as CD1 has track numbers as 01. etc, CD2 as 101. etc, CD3 as 201. etc and CD4 as 301. etc.


                        • tw0sheds

                          • Jul 2018
                          • 34

                          Re: refreshing the database.

                          By jove, that's done the trick
                          There's just so many options and don't like to mess with them too much
                          incidentally the Multi Disc Albums option is in Options, not Advanced.


