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Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

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  • RobP

    • Aug 2012
    • 17

    Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

    My apologies if this query goes over old ground but I couldn't find a relevant thread on the forum.

    I've migrated Asset (and my audio library) to a new Windows PC and in the process it upgraded from R4 to R7.4. I disabled Asset on the old PC, and the Naim app (on an iPad) which I use as my control point, can find and play the audio tracks on the new PC in the normal Asset structure of Dynamic Browsing, etc. However, the playlists which were built in the Naim app, can't be played. The tracks in the playlists will not load with the error message "This track is not available as the server is offline". If I re-enable Asset on the old PC, the playlists can be accessed and played as normal. It is as if the playlists are linked to the tracks on the old PC and won't connect with the same tracks on the new PC.

    I've read (on the Naim forum) that playlists on the Naim app won't play following an update to a later version of Asset. Is this correct, or am I doing something wrong? If it is correct, is there a workaround? The prospect of having to rebuild all the playlists on the Naim app is daunting.

    Any help appreciated. Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

    The playlist would include the IP address of the server, if you have moved asset to a new pc then the IP address would change.


    • RobP

      • Aug 2012
      • 17

      Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

      Thanks for the quick response and the advice, Spoon, I'll have a look at that. Am I wrong to think that the IP addresses of the PC's and other devices will change on a daily basis depending on allocation from the router?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

        Many routers are smart and keep the same.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1812

          Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

          Originally posted by RobP
          Am I wrong to think that the IP addresses of the PC's and other devices will change on a daily basis depending on allocation from the router?
          Most routers allow to assign static IPs to specific network devices (defined by MAC addresses), while assigning random IPs for the others.

          Dat Ei


          • RobP

            • Aug 2012
            • 17

            Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

            Thanks all for your help, and Simbun for the detail, much appreciated by non-technical folk such as myself.

            I'll have a look at the IP address fix and the file references.


            • RobP

              • Aug 2012
              • 17

              Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

              An update on this issue.

              It appears that playlists created in the Naim app can't cope with any change to the location of the audio files (for reasons beyond my technical knowledge).

              So, I've decided to recreate the playlists in the music folders on my PC. I've started testing this with a test m3u playlist created using Music Playlist Creator. At the moment I can't get Asset to recognise the playlist. I've checked the file path and audio track/playlist settings in Asset's audio library, but no joy.

              Any advice or please direct me to another thread if that is more appropriate.

              Thanks again.


              • RobP

                • Aug 2012
                • 17

                Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

                [QUOTE=simbun;215212]Did you manage to change the IP address of your new PC to that of the old?

                No I didn't, Simbun. I found that the ability to do that on my ISP's router is disabled by my ISP for home users(!). I looked at setting the address manually in Windows 10, but I was not confident in my technical knowledge for some of the fields (eg "subnet mask prefix length") and was unsure how a manual change would interplay with the router's settings. In the meantime, I got a very strong steer from the Naim Forum that the Naim app is not a good place to hold permanent playlists. Hence the decision to try to recreate my playlists on the new PC.

                I've made some progress with my test playlist. I hadn't appreciated that Asset won't find playlists in sub-folders (I don't think this is in Spoon's guidance notes). I've moved the test playlist to a main folder and it can now be found and played by Asset via the Naim app on my iPad, albeit without any album art.

                Apart from the album art, my main issue now is with Music Playlist Creator. I'm struggling to get the manual creation of new playlists to work. My test playlist was created using its automatic playlist creation function.

                If you (or anyone) know of a better alternative, or any guidance on using Music Playlist Creator, that would be appreciated. Perhaps there's a more appropriate thread?

                Thanks again.
                Last edited by RobP; April 17, 2023, 02:50 PM.


                • RobP

                  • Aug 2012
                  • 17

                  Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

                  Thanks Simbun. The ISP hurdle was exasperating. I've made do to now to keep the equipment to a minimum, but I agree that the time is ripe for a shift to a modem and mesh system.

                  Once I've sorted the playlists on the PC, and there's no risk of losing them, I'll revisit changing the IP address using your ipconfig advice.

                  Thanks for the suggestions on MinimServer and Playlist Creator I'll have a look at them.

                  In looking elsewhere on this Forum, I've come across Playlist Writer available under dBpoweramp's Music Converter. As I already have Reference, might this be a way to go? Have you used/tried it? Any advice on pros and cons?


                  • GBrown
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Oct 2009
                    • 355

                    Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

                    Originally posted by simbun
                    One other option that might be worth considering is MusicBee.

                    I've used and recommended it before mainly because of its Tag Inspector (it shows you the actual ID3 frame being used) but it looks like it handles playlists quite well, and it's portable (if desired) and lightweight.
                    Agreed on the MusicBee suggestion. I have recently started using it as my main library manager and player. It supports both standard playlists and Auto-playlists built based on user defined rules.


                    • RobP

                      • Aug 2012
                      • 17

                      Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

                      Thanks Simbun, I'll check out MusicBee.

                      And thank you for all your suggestions, much appreciated.


                      • RobP

                        • Aug 2012
                        • 17

                        Re: Problem with playlists in Naim App after migrating Asset

                        A quick update.

                        I've started recreating my playlists on the PC using Playlist Creator. This is working well and, as suggested, appears to meet my needs ... so far.

                        I did have a look at MusicBee but it doesn't appear to be compatible with iOS devices and I use an iPad and iPhone as control points.

                        Nevertheless, I have a working solution to my original problem. My thanks again to Simbun and others who have taken time to help.

