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Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

    I have two instances of Asset UPnP running - both just downloaded and installed, latest premium version.
    One resides on a Raspberry Pi (latest OS version, Asset 7.5), one as a service on a windows computer (Asset 7.4). My music collection is synchronized between the two computers: it's identical - as are all options in Asset's settings.

    Still, Asset's Windows computer title and album count show a way higher count of titles and albums than Asset's Raspberry version. How comes?

    Second observation: no matter what control point / renderer I use, the title display of multidisc albums seems strange to me.
    First disc has just track numbers, second disc has a leading 101/102 etc.
    Shouldn't it be 101/102... for the first disc and 201/202... for the second disc? I tried different options in Assets configuration (both for multidisc and for title display), but this strange numbering scheme basically stays the same: the second disc is the one with the "1" reference, third disc gets a "2" etc. (see attached screenshot of mconnect - the same results I will get with Linn Kazoo on my Mac or the latest Linn app on my iPhone).
    I had noticed that behaviour already with the 6.x versions, so I decided to update to 7.x and doing a completely fresh install (Raspberry Pi was a complete fresh setup of the OS, on Windows, I deinstalled Asset and made sure to clean all traces down to the configuration folders deep down in the system).

    When tagging multidisc-albums (mp3Tag) I follow these rules: album title is identical for all discs, no (disc X) or any other naming scheme are used for the album title. Disc number is just a single number, starting with one digit 1, 2 ...10, 11. There is no 1/5, 2/5... counting scheme in my disc number tag.

    Any help in the matter is most appreciated.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-18 um 11.49.02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	70.7 KB
ID:	297788
    Last edited by dvdr; February 18, 2023, 11:32 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

    WMA files? only the windows version will show them.


    • dvdr
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Sep 2008
      • 235

      Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

      Originally posted by Spoon
      WMA files? only the windows version will show them.
      No WMA files, just flac, mp3, wav, dsf, alac and some m4a


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

        You would have to track do some missing items and see if there is something common between them.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

          rPi is I believe using a linux based OS. Some file and folder naming differences exist. Can't recall what they are, but things like having "." in front of file name or folder name and other sorts of characters in name can be an issue.


          • dvdr
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Sep 2008
            • 235

            Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

            Originally posted by Spoon
            You would have to track do some missing items and see if there is something common between them.
            Thanks - found some corrupted files on the second disc, deleted them and did a rescan. Still a few missing, I'll investigate further. Thanks!

            As for the multi-disc display question, I ran into another issue and kindly ask for advice. I tried for hours, but did not find a solution.

            It's about the combination of the options "Album Defined by Folder" and "Multi disc".

            - all my multi discs do have a discnumber tag
            - the older CD-rips are in a folder-structure Album Artist/Album/CD1, CD2, CD3.../discnumber-tracknumber-title.file-extension
            - the newer CD-rips and download purchases all share just one common folder, no dinstinction between CD1, CD2 etc.: Album Artist/Album/discnumber-tracknumber-title.file-extension
            - If I have multiple copies of a multi disc (for example a CD Rip and a downloaded purchase), their album title is the same, they just get a different tag named "source"

            Problem is, that whatever combination of "...defined by folder" and "Multi disc" I use, I will run into problems.

            - "NOT defined by folder" will merge multiple versions of the same album into one single album, with multiple instances of "track 1" next to each other
            - "DEFINED by folder" will split the CD1, CD2... rips into a display of as many albums as there were CDs
            - that combined with the "multi disc" options "Leave Album Tag untouched" and "Combine Multi Disc Albums as one" (plus the additional "auto"-setting of the Raspberry version) creates different display results, that always run into some unwanted display or distinction between multi-disc albums.
            - "Leave Album tag untouched" and "Defined by folder" is bad for CD1, CD2, CD3 versions
            - "Combine as one" and "not defined by folder" will combine different versions of one album from different locations.

            Is there any way out of this before I need to manually re-sort my huge collection? I thought, painstakingly tagging them would be enough.
            Thanks again for you help!
            Last edited by dvdr; February 21, 2023, 01:17 AM.


            • dvdr
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Sep 2008
              • 235

              Re: Missing albums/tracks (Windows vs Raspberry) and strange multidisc display

              Originally posted by Spoon
              You would have to track do some missing items and see if there is something common between them.
              Found one thing, that explains many of the missing albums: they all are mp3 tracks. I usually tag them with mp3tag, so I closely looked at the details of these files.
              ALL the ones that were not displayed in the album artist\album tree had the tag ALBUMARTIST but not ALBUM ARTIST. When I added ALBUM ARTIST, they reappeared. I had never noticed that before, since in the big editor window of mp3tag, I saw a value for album artists, so I did not bother.
              This only happened with mp3 files, on all my FLAC files, Asset UPnP did not have an issue with ALBUMARTIST - maybe indexing both tag values and just looking for either of both. Does Asset UPnP treat MP3-files differently?

