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Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

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  • Olik

    • Sep 2022
    • 2

    Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

    I have been using Asset UpNP on my Synology DS216j Nas for a few years without issue. I'm currently using version 7.4.

    Recently, a couple of strange things have started happening. Firstly, the Asset configuration page occasionally fails to open from the Synology Package Centre. Restarting the Nas solves the issue but only temporarily. It will then open fine but try a few days later and again it fails to open.

    There is a second issue. I played a track off my Naim ND5XS2 using Asset UpNP I have played many times without issue. Half way through the track, the music suddenly and incorrectly stops and there is silence. The music returns towards the end of the track. Now every time I play the track this happens. I deleted the track and added it again and it plays fine. However, a couple of weeks later the same thing happened on a different track (different album, different artist). I tried it on a Naim Atom as well on the same network and the same thing happens so clearly not a hardware issue. I've thought about uninstalling Asset and reinstalling but not sure if my settings will be lost. Can anyone please advise as to what the issue could be? Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

    When a file stops playing correctly, take it off the NAS and try to play on a PC, of it does the same on the PC then the NAS is corrupting the files.


    • Olik

      • Sep 2022
      • 2

      Re: Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

      The track plays fine on my laptop. Not sure what this means.

      What about the first issue? Is there a fix for this that you know of?


      • hilbi

        • Sep 2022
        • 2

        Re: Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

        Originally posted by Olik
        I have been using Asset UpNP on my Synology DS216j Nas for a few years without issue. I'm currently using version 7.4.

        Recently, a couple of strange things have started happening. Firstly, the Asset configuration page occasionally fails to open from the Synology Package Centre. Restarting the Nas solves the issue but only temporarily. It will then open fine but try a few days later and again it fails to open.
        I have the same thing. Restarting the NAS solves the issue temporarily.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Odd behaviour using Asset Version 7.4 and Synology Nas

          It is likely you have something on the Network which is hammering Assets browse tree, you could enable the debugging option then disable it once Asset stops responding and look at the log.

