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Registration of paid Asset

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  • simonx

    • Feb 2022
    • 3

    Registration of paid Asset

    I downloaded a trial version of Asset for Synology 7.3 just over a month ago.
    It worked just fine, and I promptly paid for it. There was no info on how to register, but it continued to function well until yesterday when it failed completely. I could not open from within the Naim app, or within Synology.
    I assume I must register the app somehow, but I cannot even open Asset within my Synology system and cannot see how to register this. I hope I don't have to download and re-install all over again.
    Any advice please?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Registration of paid Asset

    Even the trial would still function to a limited extent after the trial ends, so it is not this.

    You would be best to remove asset from the synology, from the app centre, then install the registered version from your download link.


    • simonx

      • Feb 2022
      • 3

      Re: Registration of paid Asset

      Thanks for quick reply.
      I've uninstalled and re-installed the latest spk (after paying for it last month), and I can now use Asset from within the Naim app. Before, I got a "Requires Asset Premium Reg.." and this has now gone away, so maybe Trial version was a problem after trial period?
      However, I can't open Asset within Synology - I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED to ***
      I have reset Router, DSM and Windows 10 computer to no avail.
      I didn't have this trouble with earlier Trial version, and nothing else in my set up has changed.
      I'm not technical in this area - just want to use the app for music, and have spent most of today trying to get this to work. Pulling hair out now .
      Anything else I should try?


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Registration of paid Asset

        First, please make sure that Asset is running:
        Package Center >> Installed >> Asset, page with information about the package should show 'Running' in green.

        Asset UPnP web interface is accessible as:

        Where X.X.X.X is the IP address (or local hostname) of your NAS.
        Is your Asset visible under Windows 10 "My Computer" / "Network locations" section?
        You can also reach Asset settings from Windows 10 explorer: right click Asset icon in "My Computer" (presuming it's seen by Windows 10), Properties, click Device webpage link.


        • simonx

          • Feb 2022
          • 3

          Re: Registration of paid Asset

          Asset is running, but when I try accessing within Synology DSM to configure, (by pressing Open on the package, or clicking the displayed link: ***, it fails.
          But, I can get to it by going direct to the local IP address:45537 - so the app seems to have set itself up with the wrong link. It's not a major problem (apart from my taking so long trying to figure this out) as I can work with this now. It was not a problem with the previous trial version I had - so it's a bit annoying having spent so much time on this paid version, while the Trial was a breeze!
          Anyway, thanks for your help Peter. I can live with this, but perhaps someone should look at this as a user interface issue sometime.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44843

            Re: Registration of paid Asset

            It could be the NAS its self and chrome which is not accepting the link:


