Hi there, Asset UPnP trial was installed recently on QNAP TS-128A where music files are organized in /share/Music and its subfolders. When I checked the Folder view in the control point (YAMAHA AV Control app on android) I found the 'A to Z' grouping is not working. When I selected the Asset server as the input in the app I got the list of the Default folder view -> worked normally, then I selected the Folder & Filename Browsing (previously I checked the box in the settings next to the 'A to Z' and I got a nice list of alphabet -> still OK. When I selected an arbitrary letter I got back the name of the shared music folder ('Music') on the screen and nothing else. From that point on the grouping did not work at all, although on the next click on the 'Music' brought up the alphabet again but clicking on any letter resulted a full list of the 'Music' folder content without grouping. Is there any hidden configuration trick what I could apply to resolve this issue?