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Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

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  • yxz11

    • May 2011
    • 10

    Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

    Hello there,

    I recently updated my DSM to version 7, and my existing Asset stopped working. I downloaded the version for DSM 7 and installed on top of my existing version of Asset. Asset started fine but all my settings are gone. I then uninstall and reinstalled Asset to get a fresh start.

    Now the problem is that Asset doesn't have access to my music directory. How should I set DSM permission? Specifically, which user and what permission should I grant to give Asset access to my music directory? Do I need to do anything else?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

    Asset will auto detect the music folder location, what exact folder has it detected on your nas?


    • yxz11

      • May 2011
      • 10

      Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

      It detects /volume1/music.

      However, I have my music stored at /volume1/media/Music and when I go to /media, Asset complains about access denied.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

        Please explain 'when I go to /media' how are you going to this folder, in which part of the program?

        Note the Nas is case sensitive, so your Music folder would have to start with a capital M as you have written.


        • yxz11

          • May 2011
          • 10

          Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

          At the setting page:
          Click Folders, Click "Add Folder", navigate to "/volume1/media". The page displays "Access to folder contents denied, please check permissions".
          No directory under /volume1/media is displayed.


          • david malloch

            • Aug 2020
            • 7

            Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

            I have exactly the same problem also caused by upgrading DSM.

            Under "folders" Asset defaults to /volume1/music/ I click "add folder" and navigate (from the top level "/volume1") to /volume1/Data but I then get the message "Access to folder contents denied, please check permissions". How to resolve please???


            • PeterP
              Super Moderator
              • Jul 2011
              • 1498

              Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

              Synology permission issues explained:
              Section 1: installing In order to Install Asset UPnP on Synology DSM, use the Package Manager and point it to your .SPK file and click thru all the prompts. You now have Asset installed and listed under packages: Section 2: security permissions With Synology DSM 7, applications must be specifically permitted to


              • david malloch

                • Aug 2020
                • 7

                Re: Anology DSM 7 folder permmsion

                Originally posted by PeterP
                Synology permission issues explained:
                Many, many thanks. It's indexing now!

