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Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

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  • econjp

    • May 2014
    • 19

    Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

    I have the newsest version of Asset UPnP installed on my three QNAP NASs and a lot of my music files are 24 bit, so they cannot be played as such on Sonos. Set "Maximum" in Asset's Options as 16 bit, 48 kHz and 2 channel and indeed files that are 24 44.1 or 48 play ok. However Sonos is refusing to play anything higher than 48 telling me that it is unable to play 88.2, 96, 176.8 or 192. Hoped that setting Asset is such a way would solve the problem... Can it be solved? What am I doing wrong? Should be grateful for help or advice...
  • econjp

    • May 2014
    • 19

    Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

    Originally posted by econjp
    I have the newsest version of Asset UPnP installed on my three QNAP NASs and a lot of my music files are 24 bit, so they cannot be played as such on Sonos. Set "Maximum" in Asset's Options as 16 bit, 48 kHz and 2 channel and indeed files that are 24 44.1 or 48 play ok. However Sonos is refusing to play anything higher than 48 telling me that it is unable to play 88.2, 96, 176.8 or 192. Hoped that setting Asset is such a way would solve the problem... Can it be solved? What am I doing wrong? Should be grateful for help or advice...
    PS Since all my music files are FLACs, I even tried to change how FLAC files are played by Asset - WAV, LPCM but it still didn't work - only when FLAC is played as it is and it isn't more than 49 kHz it is playing...


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

      If you set FLAC to 'As Wav' then set the maximum as a test to 16 bit 44KHz 2 Channels, then clear the playlist on the sonos and readd the files, do they play?


      • econjp

        • May 2014
        • 19

        Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

        Originally posted by Spoon
        If you set FLAC to 'As Wav' then set the maximum as a test to 16 bit 44KHz 2 Channels, then clear the playlist on the sonos and readd the files, do they play?
        Thanks a lot. Did try, although the lowest sampling rate is could set it for was 48 KHz. Still didn't want to play 88.2 and 96 KHz, complaining about network speed which is very strange becuase it had no problem playing 24bit 48KHz...
        Not sure what you meant by clearing playlists (don't really use them) but cleared all the queues and restarted Sonos by unplugging it... Also tried to stop Twonky and QNAP Music Station etc that were running on the same server...


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

          Please enable the debug logs on the setting page, try to play one of these flac files and the stop the debug log and post the contents please.


          • econjp

            • May 2014
            • 19

            Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

            Once more, thank you very, very much but although (I think that) I recorded to debug files, I cannot find... Feel really stupid about it, but what is their default location? Will keep looking but even Mr Google seems clueless... :-)


            • econjp

              • May 2014
              • 19

              Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

              downloaded a configuration dump - would that do? Apologies if I am completely wrong... Well, tried, wasn't allowed...


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                How to view UPnP logs:

                Asset R7 series-
                • Troubleshooting tab
                • [Start Logging] button
                • Recreate the problem you wish to take a log of
                • Click "Show UPnP Logs" link to view the log

                Asset R6 and older-
                • Configure
                • Toggle "Debug Logging Enabled", click [Apply] button
                • Recreate the problem you wish to take a log of
                • On the configuration page, click "Show UPnP Logs" link to view the log

                The configuration dump does include recent logs if you unpack it. However debug logging is not enabled by default so the problem was not logged if you hadn't specifically enabled it before.


                • econjp

                  • May 2014
                  • 19

                  Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                  Thanks a lot. My mistake was that the option to see the debug logs appeared only when debugging was on... But yes, thanks, I found them and copied them and pasted them into Word... Hope this is all right - wasn't aware of other options... Please find attached two files: the first one with flac played as flac (four different types: 16-44.1, 24-88.2, 24-96 and 24-48) and the second with flac played as wav, the same four tracks... In the first case Sonos didn't like the encoding of the second and third tracks, in the second case it complained about network speed - my Sonos connect amp is not hard-wired but it is withing five yards, no walls, of the router... Maximum is set at 16 bit, 48 KHz, 2 channels...
                  Well didn't manage to upload docx, trying txt... No luck again, apparently my debug file is two large - ca. 700 kb... Could I please email it to you...


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                    Here is our email:



                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                      When flac is set 'as wav' does it stream the 16 bit 48KHz native files? or complain about network speed?

                      The debug log does show the higher resolution files being sent out as this:

                      Streaming File WAVE Transcoded [45762860 bytes]: /share/Multimedia/CER Jazz/Al Di Meola - Electric Rendezvous, 24-96/A1 - God Bird Change.flac
                      Transcoding from Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 24 Samples Per Second: 96000 Bytes Per Second: 576000 Block Align: 6 CB Size: 0
                      Transcoding to Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 48000 Bytes Per Second: 192000 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
                      Serve Entity Set to: audio/wav

                      Here a 24 bit 96KHz file is sent out as 16bit 48KHz. My guess is it cannot stream these because they are wave files, it can stream the flac because it is half the file size.


                      • econjp

                        • May 2014
                        • 19

                        Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                        Thank you very much. In both case - flac as flac and flac as wav - I tried four different types of files (16-44.1, 24-88.2, 24-96 and 24-48) and ultimately the result was the same: the first and the fourth played ok, the second and the third not at all, although the error messages were different... I would think - but what do I know - that the scaled down versions of hi-res flacs should be more or less the same (especially in the case of the last file), but ultimately the question is whether there is anything I can do about it... Not sure whether I mentioned it, but I also activated on Sonos Plex and it actually plays everything in the one library that it has access to (not sure why not the second one), but it doesn't allow me to browse by folder which is how I organised my files... Most of them (ca 700k) are classical music and metadata are completely unreliable... Which is why Assets ability to scale down the files to 16-48 is so attractive... Hope this helps!


                        • econjp

                          • May 2014
                          • 19

                          Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                          Good news and bad news. I took a radical option, completely reset first my broadband (wi-fi) network, then reset all Sonos equipment to factory settings and as it were rebuilt the whole setup. And it seems to be working, at least the parts that I finished resetting... But it seems like the whole effort was in vain as I am able to play only one track at a time, or rather I have to add each and every track to the queue manually, one by one which is definitely quite suboptimal. Googled the problem and found your post from 2014:
                          Re: Playing only single files and not complete albums
                          I think is a limitation of the Sonos program, UPnP lists all tracks of an album together, if the tracks appear under the same listing, there is nothing more a upnp server could do.
                          Is it still the situation? Nothing changed? Or has there appeared a solution in the meantime? It seems that the problem appears only with Asset UPnP...


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                            Your controller, you have to leave on and running so it can start the next track.


                            • econjp

                              • May 2014
                              • 19

                              Re: Asset UPnP on QNAP to play hi-res files on Sonos

                              Thank you very much! What do you mean by controller? The Sonos iOS app? Any chance of creating a queue comprising more than one album?
                              When using Sonos on my laptop I manage to drag into the queue multiple files but who uses laptops to control Sonos? :-(

