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need help for correct update process for Asset Premium Versions in Mac OS Mojave

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  • luilui

    • Nov 2020
    • 5

    need help for correct update process for Asset Premium Versions in Mac OS Mojave

    Hello first thing to say I'm totally satisfied with Asset Premium for macOS.
    I've been using the premium version on a 2012 MacMini server with Mojave for 2 months.
    The first version was 7.1 and since few days I use the 7.2 version... stable, fast,using less ressources and very fine browse tree

    But I have 2 questions about updating the asset app in mac os: should I always first delete the old premium version of the Asset app in the applications folder => move to the trash, and then install the new premium version?
    2. Question: the Asset app does not give a message that a new update is available ... is that normal?

    thanks for help & answers, have a nice day...


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: need help for correct update process for Asset Premium Versions in Mac OS Mojave

    When installing OS X should ask if you want to replace the existing, you can select yes, or move it to the trash before.

    Yes we do not push all update notifications, for many Asset is 'if it is not broken do not fix it'


    • luilui

      • Nov 2020
      • 5

      Re: need help for correct update process for Asset Premium Versions in Mac OS Mojave

      thank you so much, so it works as I had already suspected. If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is a very true statement. I also run my server OS under the motto never change a running system... until the time when it can not be done any other way....for example, when there are no more security updates, or the OS is corrupt or unstable.


