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Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

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  • nytimez

    • Oct 2020
    • 34

    Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.


    QNAP TS-431P
    NAIM Mu-so

    Asset used to work flawlessly until recently. What is happening? When I try to play music after several hours (i.e. overnight)of no activity, Asset will send file to speaker, play for a few seconds and then lock up the speaker. A reboot of the speaker is required to get it back online and the only way to clear the condition is to reboot the NAS. Restarting Asset, killing the processes doesn't do anything. In my troubleshooting, I might have had success by re-scanning the library - foggy memory

    Thinking that a recent QNAP firmware update was the cause, I downgraded it to the version just after the "digital signature" problem. This did not solve the problem.

    Next I downgraded Asset from 7.2 to 7.0. Still no joy. I then removed Asset from the QNAP and installed 6.6 (the version I started with) and the results are the same. After several hours, it stops working properly.

    I don't think it can be the speaker or the Naim app, because it happens with 8Player on an iphone as will.

    Any suggestions?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

    Try the inbuilt upnp server, you have to rule out the player as the cause.


    • Hecke71

      • Jan 2021
      • 1

      Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

      Even with me, the asset is no longer accessible after a few hours. The service no longer seems to start because the start page with port 45537 is no longer available.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Asset1.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	41.2 KB
ID:	294403
      If the Website page is down, the choice of player doesn't matter anymore - right?
      Stopping and starting the service does not change anything.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Asset2.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	15.2 KB
ID:	294404


      • nytimez

        • Oct 2020
        • 34

        Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

        I have set up the QNAP uPnP server. I left to all night and it is still working, unlike Asset.


        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1498

          Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

          Thanks for the bug report.
          Please enable Asset's debug logging, leave it running for about one hour then email the logs it generated (both UPnP and Library) to for analysis.

          Did you make other changes to your network configuration recently? Perhaps some new device is hammering Asset trying to list its whole library content recursively, which could after a couple of hours result in what you're seeing.
          You can view what apps/devices have been talking to Asset under Advanced / Settings Override (Control Point Specific). You can either ban devices you don't want to see Asset, or whitelist the ones you use blocking everything else.
          Last edited by PeterP; January 12, 2021, 11:52 AM.


          • nytimez

            • Oct 2020
            • 34

            Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.

            I have sent you the UPnP log. The library log is empty.

            No changes to the network and no other problems. I have temporarily set up Asset on a Mac (on the same network) and it works properly.

            The "Control Point Override" page only knows about: UPnP/1.1 NaimUPnP/


            • nytimez

              • Oct 2020
              • 34

              Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time. (Solved)

              I think I found the cause of the problem. Although there were no indications, there was a bad external drive connected to the NAS. I removed it and Asset is now working properly. Thanks for your help.


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time. (Solved)

                Thanks for confirming that was not a problem with Asset, we'll keep this in mind if someone else runs into similar problems.

                Indeed there was nothing unusual in the log, just plain Naim activity.


                • schmidj
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2013
                  • 526

                  Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time. (Solved)

                  My fairly old (8 years or so) QNAP pretty much comes to a halt when using the QNAP backup app to back up the drives to an external USB drive. It takes forever to save files from dBpoweramp, or for that matter to look at the file directories using windows explorer on a connected computer when it is backing up the raid discs. I scheduled my backups weekly in the wee hours of the morning, but the very large "media" directory was taking over 24 hours to back up. My short term solution has been to back up smaller parts of the media directory on different days, and in fact to back up directories that rarely change less often than weekly. That has solved the response problem for now.

                  I did look for some way to decrease the priority of the backup task and increase the priority of SAMBA, the Windows compatible access software. If it is there, I didn't find it.

                  My longer term solution is to buy a new QNAP with a more powerful, faster processor. Budget permitting...


                  • Gidders

                    • Aug 2009
                    • 31

                    Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time.



                    • Gidders

                      • Aug 2009
                      • 31

                      Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time. (Solved)

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      Try the inbuilt upnp server, you have to rule out the player as the cause.
                      Originally posted by PeterP
                      Thanks for confirming that was not a problem with Asset, we'll keep this in mind if someone else runs into similar problems.

                      Indeed there was nothing unusual in the log, just plain Naim activity.
                      This still seems to be a problem. Every time my QNAP firmware updates, Asset stops working. The issue seems to be that Asset doesn't have a digital signature. The work around is to go to QNAP App Centre > Settings > enable "Allow installation of apps without a digital signature" But a firmware update re-sets this setting & Asset stops working again. The question surely is - why doesn't Asset have a digital signature?


                      • Dat Ei
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Feb 2014
                        • 1812

                        Re: Asset on QNAP stops working after a time. (Solved)

                        see post *6 from Spoon:

                        Dat Ei
                        Last edited by Dat Ei; January 10, 2023, 01:37 PM.

