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Linux Install / Tinkering

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  • Husqcat

    • Nov 2011
    • 40

    Linux Install / Tinkering

    Just playing around with my Asset installation on some different Linux distros. I realise it may not be supported and ultimately may not work but just wanted to ask is everything that has to be write capable contained in the .dBpoweramp directory?

    Everything working OK but after reboot all the track scan information is lost and I have to rescan again. The installation is split and only certain areas/directories writeable but all others readable and executable. I have all the .dBpoweramp content and subdirectories writable but just wondering if the scan information is held elsewhere?

    Many thanks

    Just spotted something that may explain why I'm losing the scan information, notwithstanding, be good to get the information on .dBpoweramp directory
    Last edited by Husqcat; December 01, 2020, 02:16 PM. Reason: Update
  • Husqcat

    • Nov 2011
    • 40

    Re: Linux Install / Tinkering

    Actually what I spotted wasn't the cause of me losing all the scan information, so if anyone can throw some light on where the information is stored it would be much appreciated


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: Linux Install / Tinkering

      Your system might be set to wipe that location on reboot, try copying your own file to that folder and reboot the system (without Asset running), it is deleted then that is what is happening.


      • Husqcat

        • Nov 2011
        • 40

        Re: Linux Install / Tinkering

        Thanks Spoon

        The area I have installed .dBpoweramp doesn't get wiped and I have checked that with the method you described.

        However, all the other aspects of Asset do get wiped and re-instantiated at boot......I would have thought that would be ok but for some reason I'm losing all the history of all the previous scans ad have to re-scan again.


        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1498

          Re: Linux Install / Tinkering

          All Asset status & media library information is written to ~/.dBpoweramp folder. It is a basic requirement for Asset operation that the folder is writeable and preserved across reboots. Some embedded Linuxes put home folder on a RAM disk, resulting in Asset data being reset on reboot, as well as trouble when your library cache data exceeds allowed size.

          If Asset keeps losing all tracks after a reboot, it could be that folders it indexes are not immediately available for indexing - appearing empty to Asset. If these are network shares, check Indexing network shares with Asset guide for settings that were tested with Asset by us. The x-systemd.automount bit might be relevant, it causes shares to be mounted on first use, so Asset can't possibly see the folders in an unmounted state.


          • Husqcat

            • Nov 2011
            • 40

            Re: Linux Install / Tinkering

            Thanks Peter

            It was indeed related to the folders not being available for indexing after reboot I believe. I've added a delay prior to starting Asset after reboot to allow sufficient time for the mounts to complete and everything looks good again

