Since 3 days I’m testing Asset R 7.0 trial on a mac mini server i7-2012 OSX Mojave and got Linn Kazoo for mac/iPhone/iPad…
...first to say asset is great app, fast and not as buggy as twonky.
before I buy the registration to premium I’m testing options, but without sucess:
everything I do = editing in preference window „ Browse Tree“ to get a view Browsing by Folder&Filename is without any effect:
I edited it as to be shown in first line below artist, album, title and above composer and saved = no effect at control points
I deleted everything else without Browsing Folder&Filname in „Additional“ and saved = no effect at control points
I don’t want to have too much options in Kazoo control point, since 10years I was using Twonky (from version 4 to 8.5) with Foldernavigation on 5 different Servers. Twonky had a lot of bugs but I was always able to find a workaround.
keep it simple as could be, best thing to me is to get „Browsing Folder&Filname on top, but can’t find the fix to do that
W. Lui
Since 3 days I’m testing Asset R 7.0 trial on a mac mini server i7-2012 OSX Mojave and got Linn Kazoo for mac/iPhone/iPad…
...first to say asset is great app, fast and not as buggy as twonky.
before I buy the registration to premium I’m testing options, but without sucess:
everything I do = editing in preference window „ Browse Tree“ to get a view Browsing by Folder&Filename is without any effect:
I edited it as to be shown in first line below artist, album, title and above composer and saved = no effect at control points
I deleted everything else without Browsing Folder&Filname in „Additional“ and saved = no effect at control points
I don’t want to have too much options in Kazoo control point, since 10years I was using Twonky (from version 4 to 8.5) with Foldernavigation on 5 different Servers. Twonky had a lot of bugs but I was always able to find a workaround.
keep it simple as could be, best thing to me is to get „Browsing Folder&Filname on top, but can’t find the fix to do that
W. Lui