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Show track metadata when playing from AssetUPnP

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  • emueyes

    • Jul 2012
    • 9

    Show track metadata when playing from AssetUPnP

    Hi all

    I have Asset 6.2 running on a Ubuntu 20LTS server, it's been running smoothly, with updates along the way, since 2012. I like that in software, no temperamental, mysterious things happening. So, I'm now wondering, can I obtain any metadata,most importantly the track, artist or just the cover art, from the server that Asset is running on. It's controlled by the iOS Infinity8, sometimes WMP. They will show me what's being played, being the control points, but I want a display on the server itself. Maybe on one of the little 7" or 10" HDMI screens that are available now. I think it'd make a nice addition, like having an LP cover out on display while its contents are played. I know Asset is meant to be headless. mine is, but the web interface is there, for a possibly easy change to put currently playing metadata on it?

    It needn't be hand holdy - I'd be quite happy with a serial code or some UR key being presented on a USB bus.. and it'd look good.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Show track metadata when playing from AssetUPnP

    The device which does the playing has all the metadata it needs to display, as it is embedded in the audio stream as ID Tags.


    • emueyes

      • Jul 2012
      • 9

      Re: Show track metadata when playing from AssetUPnP

      I want the server itself to display information (specifaclly, the Album cover) rather than the playback device. Some sort of throwback to liking to see the cover of a vinyl record.

      On Linux I found that inotifywait running on the Albums directory will show what music file is being opened for playback, then a bit of Bash script will assemble the pathname for the Folder image in the album direcory. That can then be displayed on a small HDMI panel attached to the server using the fbi command. It doesn't run X so I needed a way to display an image, fbi does that nicely. It all works great.

