Just set up Asset for the first time on my Mac to use with Naim streamer.
The Naim App shows all my music on my Mac fine but there is also an (Unknown Album) (Unknown Artist) with eight tracks.
These tracks are Exit, Exit, Limit, Limit, Selection, Selection, SelectionChange, SelectionChange
They are not audible tracks I can play and I cannot find these 'tracks' anywhere in my Music folder
Is this some sort of default thing on Asset UPnP?
The Naim App shows all my music on my Mac fine but there is also an (Unknown Album) (Unknown Artist) with eight tracks.
These tracks are Exit, Exit, Limit, Limit, Selection, Selection, SelectionChange, SelectionChange
They are not audible tracks I can play and I cannot find these 'tracks' anywhere in my Music folder
Is this some sort of default thing on Asset UPnP?