Hi, I use Asset UPNP server on an iMAC (OSX) and a Synology server (connect by a switch to the router). All great. However I have put a new WIFI system (Tenda Nova) in a different building which is connected by ethernet (Cat6) to the same switch & router (and therefore network) as the Synology Server & the iMAC. However when in the new building, using the different wifi although the internet connection and the network work, I cannot see the Asset Upnp Servers at all (when using a UPNP player such as VLC). Why is this, what do I need to change/fix? please can anyone advise? thanks.
help needed with seeing UPNP on network
Re: help needed with seeing UPNP on network
Your extended network, the IP addresses given out have to be from your main router, it is likely you have the new wifi has its own set of IP addresses. When setting up extended wifi there are various options to choose from. -
Re: help needed with seeing UPNP on network
Thanks Spoon. I changed the extended wifi (Tenda) to "Bridge Mode" setting, and all seems to work fine. Thanks for your swift & helpful response.