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Qnap ts-431p

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  • OEggen

    • Jun 2018
    • 6

    Qnap ts-431p

    I was running Asset UPnP QNAP R6.6 on my previous QNAP TS-228A. It worked fine.
    Then I upgraded to a QNAP TS-431P. I installed the same app. No problem installing it, but when I want to configure it I only get a tab says 'This site can't be reached' (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED).
    What am I doing wrong? Is it not compatible?
  • PeterP
    Super Moderator
    • Jul 2011
    • 1498

    Re: Qnap ts-431p

    I run a QNAP TS-231P myself, which as far as I understand is a 2-bay version of the same. Asset works properly on it.
    What do you see in your browser's address bar when trying to open Asset configuration? It should read http://<IP-of-your-NAS>:45337/ . If not, try typing the address manually - the IP with port of 45337.
    If you have some kind of firewall software possibly blocking connections, it must unblock port 45337 for Asset configuration and port 26125 for Asset itself.

