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Created vs Modiefied Dates

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  • ActiveHiatus

    • Mar 2016
    • 4

    Created vs Modiefied Dates

    I regularly use the New Album feature of Asset but I've noticed that whenever I make a change to the tags on an existing album Asset treats it as a new album and bumps it to the top of the list pushing newer purchases further down. Last week I had to do a major retagging job and have lost sight of all my recent acquisitions. What seems to be happening is that Asset is using the Modified Date field instead of Created Date to determine what appears as a recent file.

    I've found a work around by turning of the "write modified date" in the various tagging software I use but this is affecting my backup software as it no longer thinks there are any changes to copy.

    Is there a way to force Asset to ignore the Date Modified field and only read the Date Created one?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Created vs Modiefied Dates

    Sorry there is no way to do this.


    • ActiveHiatus

      • Mar 2016
      • 4

      Re: Created vs Modiefied Dates

      Thanks for the quick reply. At least I now know

