I've got 6.2 running on Windows on a dedicated system that only serves up audio files. The actual library is on a WD NAS shared as \\EX2\Media\Music.
As of late, I can drop a bunch of new files onto the NAS and they don't get detected by Asset. I have to manually run the Rescan Library function.
I wrote a quick app to see if notifications are being properly sent by the OS and they are, my wait returns as soon as I touch anything in the target path.
Any idea why this is failing in Asset or what I can do to make it more reliable?
As of late, I can drop a bunch of new files onto the NAS and they don't get detected by Asset. I have to manually run the Rescan Library function.
I wrote a quick app to see if notifications are being properly sent by the OS and they are, my wait returns as soon as I touch anything in the target path.
Any idea why this is failing in Asset or what I can do to make it more reliable?
CString path(L"\\\\EX2\\Media\\Music"); DWORD notifyFilter(FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE); HANDLE ffhandle = FindFirstChangeNotification(path, true, notifyFilter); while (1) { DWORD waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(ffhandle, INFINITE); wprintf(L"something in the library has changed\n"); } FindCloseChangeNotification(ffhandle);