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Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

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  • solwisesteve

    • Feb 2019
    • 22

    Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

    Been using Asset for years now and always been very happy but I've hit a problem.

    When I select an album on my player it queues the tracks to play in alphabetical order not track order. I'm told by the streamer manufacturer this is because this is the order the URLs for the tracks are sent to the streamer. It seems my old streamer used to sort them into track order before playing but my new streamer plays them in the order presented. Is there a way of making asset send the album track play list to the streamer in track order?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

    If you browse in Asset an album, they are listed in Track order (as you see on the screen), there is no 'url order', there is only the shown order on the screen. The player must be alphabetic sorting based on title.


    • solwisesteve

      • Feb 2019
      • 22

      Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

      Originally posted by Spoon
      If you browse in Asset an album, they are listed in Track order (as you see on the screen), there is no 'url order', there is only the shown order on the screen. The player must be alphabetic sorting based on title.
      Yes when you look at the album they show in track order. I then select Play All (the album) and they get sent to the queue. In the queue they are in alphabetical order. I agree it sounds like the player but the manufacturer insists it's not them and this is a known issue when using Asset with their product.

      Oh well... I thought I'd ask anyway. I need to decide now whether to change all my tracks so the title has the track number appended to the front (20K tracks!) or a different server package :-(


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

        In Asset Configuration ensure the option '[track *]- [title] for album tracks' is checked.


        • solwisesteve

          • Feb 2019
          • 22

          Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

          Yep... it's ticked.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

            Please send the debug log which you have generated to:



            • solwisesteve

              • Feb 2019
              • 22

              Re: Queue in aphabetical order instead or tack order

              I'll send the log but below shows what I've discovered.

              It looks like it&*8217;s Asset :frowning:

              Below shows the start of the log which is where the bartock is requesting the play queue list&*8230;

              Note the tracks are in alphabetical order - as a test can you guess the album? :wink:

              Above the Clouds
              Do Ya
              Livin&*8217; Thing
              Mission (A World Record)
              So Fine
              Telephone Line

              dc:titleAbove the Clouds</dc:title>dc:creatorElectric Light Orchestra</dc:creator><upnp:artist role=&*8220;AlbumArtist&*8221;>Electric Light Orchestra</upnp:artist>upnp:artistElectric Light Orchestra</upnp:artist>upnp:albumA New World Record - 192K</upnp:album>upnp:genreRock</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID=&*8220;JPEG_TN&*8221;> 1</upnp:albumArtURI>

              BUT this is the part of the log where it shows the tracks on the screen when I show the album&*8230;

              Telephone Line
              Mission (A World Record)
              So Fine
              Livin&*8217; Thing
              Above the Clouds
              Do Ya

              dc:titleTightrope</dc:title>upnp:classobject.item.audioItem.musicTrac k</upnp:class>
              NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 9 UpdateId: 1074

              So it is correct when I browse the album but then I select Play (whole album) the list from Asset is no longer in track order.

              Well that&*8217;s what it looks like to me anyway.

