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2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

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  • timster67
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2014
    • 210

    2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

    I have 2 instances of Asset running on my QNAP. I have exactly the same configurations for each, except one has ReplayGain turned on and transcoding of everything to WAV, the other doesn't and all formats are As is.
    The browse trees are identical. I have even used the text version of the one that works as expected (with RG) to copy-paste into the other.

    All browsing works the same in each, except for these using a custom tag (set to 1 when present):

    Favourites\Jukebox Album Selection
    Favourites\Jukebox Track Selection
    Favourite Albums**Favourites&+&1

    On the RG instance, selecting "Favourites" then has one entry "1", under which are Albums and the Jukeboxes. This is as expected, and is why I have a shortcut "Favourite Albums". Selecting this instead misses out the "1" step and goes directly to the Albums etc. All good.

    BUT on the other instance, selecting "Favourites" goes directly to Albums and the Jukeboxes, while selecting "Favourite Albums" results in a "Failed to load content...".

    What the f is going on? This is puzzling me, it makes no sense!
  • timster67
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2014
    • 210

    Re: 2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

    Originally posted by timster67
    I have 2 instances of Asset running on my QNAP. I have exactly the same configurations for each, except one has ReplayGain turned on and transcoding of everything to WAV, the other doesn't and all formats are As is.
    The browse trees are identical. I have even used the text version of the one that works as expected (with RG) to copy-paste into the other.

    All browsing works the same in each, except for these using a custom tag (set to 1 when present):

    Favourites\Jukebox Album Selection
    Favourites\Jukebox Track Selection
    Favourite Albums**Favourites&+&1

    On the RG instance, selecting "Favourites" then has one entry "1", under which are Albums and the Jukeboxes. This is as expected, and is why I have a shortcut "Favourite Albums". Selecting this instead misses out the "1" step and goes directly to the Albums etc. All good.

    BUT on the other instance, selecting "Favourites" goes directly to Albums and the Jukeboxes, while selecting "Favourite Albums" results in a "Failed to load content...".

    What the f is going on? This is puzzling me, it makes no sense!

    EDIT: OK, I've figured out why the behaviour is different. The custom Favourites tag isn't working on the non-RG instance, so selecting that is going down all albums and therefore there is no "1" for the shortcut to follow.

    So, the question now is different and more critical: why is the custom tag not being read correctly in the non-RG instance?


    • timster67
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2014
      • 210

      Re: 2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

      I now remember the custom tag has to be listed in a file somewhere (MediaDatabaseFieldsv5.txt or something?). Can someone remind me how to access this file on a QNAP - and if there is one for each instance of Asset, how to distinguish between them?


      • timster67
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2014
        • 210

        Re: 2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

        Found the thread. Didn't realise spawning a new instance created a new "-1" sub-directory with new files. I assume it would normally be a copy of the first instance? Or is it a clean configuration with defaults?

        Note: I tried to d/l FileZilla from the link in the thread but Norton deleted it as a threat. Maybe worth updating the thread. I used WinSCP instead


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: 2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

          It is a fresh instance with its own database.

          Norton is the threat, not FileZilla


          • timster67
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • May 2014
            • 210

            Re: 2 Instances, same library, same browse tree, different browse tree behaviour

            Yeah. I figured as much. WinSCP works fine though.

            Anyway it's all working now after a bit of hunting down the right thread!

