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How do I send stream to a wired (ethernet) streamer/DAC?

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  • AndyRHarvey

    • Apr 2019
    • 2

    How do I send stream to a wired (ethernet) streamer/DAC?

    I have Asset running on a MacBook Air connected directly to an ARCAM AIRDAC over ethernet. When running iTunes, I can send choose to send the output stream directly to the AIRDAC over ethernet (alternative is the computer audio). Using Asset I have no choice other than to stream to my Android phone, which then streams to the AIRDAC via Chromecast - with transcoding from ALAC to FLAC in either the phone or the Asset. (or at least that is what I think is happening).

    So my question is whether I should be able, in Asset, to send the stream direct from the MacBook to the AirDAC over ether net - as I can with iTunes? I can find no controls that appear to make that possible.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How do I send stream to a wired (ethernet) streamer/DAC?

    The AirDAC is upnp enabled so you would need a UPnP Controller, to select the AirDac and then select the tracks. If you have Windows then look here:

    Asset Control (a UPnP / DLNA control point) is billed as the control point you have been waiting for . In UPnP there are: Server / Control Point / Renderer, where the Server catalogues tracks, Control Point creates playlists from the Server and controls the Renderer (player), all 3 elements of UPnP could reside on the same


    • AndyRHarvey

      • Apr 2019
      • 2

      Re: How do I send stream to a wired (ethernet) streamer/DAC?

      Thanks very much - I am using a Mac and so have looked around for a Mac based uPnP controller and have come up with Songbook and BubbleUPnP Server. I'll try these...

