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Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

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  • arnelie2019

    • Jan 2019
    • 11

    Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

    I've just purchased Asset UPnP v6.2 for my new Synology DS218play, and in general I am so far very happy with this purchase! I've set up two instances: one that basically streams all audio "as is" (Asset-as-is), and one (Asset-transcode) that transcodes M4A (and DSD) to WAV (since most of my M4A files are ALAC codec versions, as some gear I have do not support ALAC). My Yamaha receiver R-N803D supports "all formats", though, including ALAC, FLAC, DSD, etc. The strange thing now is that:
    * The Yamaha will only directly see either "Asset-as-is" or "Asset-transcode", but not both. It seems that it will see the last one modified, or started. I have other DLNA servers on other platforms that it sees all the time, in addition to the native Media Server that comes with Synology DSM OS.
    * All other gear, including a Sony Blu-ray player, and Android DLNA players (Bubble UPnP, e.g.), see both Asset instances simultaneously.

    So, this behaviour is by no means a show stopper, since the Yamaha receiver works with both instances. But why is this happening? I might plan different detailed configuration later, and it would be nice to have this issue sorted out. A workaround now is to have Bubble UPnP app to access the wanted instance and render it on the Yamaha, but it would be better to use the native Yamaha Musiccast app.

    Best regards
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

    It must be a bug in the Yamaha. Each new asset gets a new UPnP ID and name...


    • arnelie2019

      • Jan 2019
      • 11

      Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

      Originally posted by Spoon
      It must be a bug in the Yamaha. Each new asset gets a new UPnP ID and name...
      Thanks for this fast reply! I agree, but still, the Yamaha bug must be trapped by "some similarity" in these instances, and is fouled to think it is the same UPnP, since, as I said, this is the first time I encounter this bahaviour of the receiver. Is there other tags/IDs that uniquely describes a UPnP than an ID and its associated name?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

        Not that I am aware, it could be that they only use the first X chars of the ID, but that is just a guess.


        • arnelie2019

          • Jan 2019
          • 11

          Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

          And with the ID, you do not mean the name? I've tried to give the two instances completely different names (from first character on), but with no different results. I'm just guessing now, but the ID you talk about is that a some-byte-width integer number?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

            UPnP has a hidden server ID which is unique to the instance.


            • kememe

              • Feb 2019
              • 1

              Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

              I am also having issues with Yamaha Musiccast WXC-50 , was working until this morning, do not know if Apple update this morning
              is what caused issue?


              • arnelie2019

                • Jan 2019
                • 11

                Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                I did some testing now with the Windows version of Asset UPnP (trial version): the problem of seeing only one instance does NOT apply to Windows version! So, either there is some kind of "bug" in Asset for Synology (which only Yamaha is vulnerable of), or there is someting to do with my Synology DS218play. Any clue?


                • arnelie2019

                  • Jan 2019
                  • 11

                  Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                  Originally posted by kememe
                  I am also having issues with Yamaha Musiccast WXC-50 , was working until this morning, do not know if Apple update this morning
                  is what caused issue?
                  are you saying that you too have multiple instances of Asset on Synology, but it has worked well until this date but not after?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                    We will test this platform


                    • arnelie2019

                      • Jan 2019
                      • 11

                      Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      We will test this platform
                      Sounds good, hope you'll able to spot the difference (I'm hoping it is nothing to do with my local ds218 setup).


                      • PeterP
                        Super Moderator
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 1498

                        Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                        New Asset beta version posted-
                        Current version: R6.3 beta 4 Download links: Mac: QNAP: Synology: Linux x86 32-bit: Linux x86 64-bit: https://www

                        Asset's unique ID generation now behaves the same way as on Windows, which will hopefully address this issue.


                        • arnelie2019

                          • Jan 2019
                          • 11

                          Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                          Originally posted by PeterP
                          New Asset beta version posted-
                          Current version: R6.3 beta 4 Download links: Mac: QNAP: Synology: Linux x86 32-bit: Linux x86 64-bit: https://www

                          Asset's unique ID generation now behaves the same way as on Windows, which will hopefully address this issue.
                          I have just downloaded and installled r6-3-beta1 on my Synology NAS, and now the Yamaha can see both instances, hurray! Thanks a lot for this fast execution of the source fix.

                          Best regards
                          happy Asset user


                          • arnelie2019

                            • Jan 2019
                            • 11

                            Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                            I have been running R6.3 Beta-1 since last February, but decided today to step up to R6.4. Now, I see that the same problem has returned to the Yamaha Multicast unit: it sees only one of the Asset DLNA instances. I never did test R6.3 final, but my questions are: (1) Did the fix entered into the R6.3 beta1 not survive for the final release (R6.3 and/or R6.4)? (2) In that case, why?
                            best regards


                            • arnelie2019

                              • Jan 2019
                              • 11

                              Re: Multiple Asset UPnP instances do not show in Yamaha Musiccast Receiver

                              I have been running R6.3 Beta-1 since last February, but decided today to step up to R6.4. Now, I see that the same problem has returned to the Yamaha Multicast unit: it sees only one of the Asset DLNA instances. I never did test R6.3 final, but my questions are: (1) Did the fix entered into the R6.3 beta1 not survive for the final release (R6.3 and/or R6.4)? (2) In that case, why?
                              best regards

