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Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes ?

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  • Coolhand

    • Apr 2015
    • 25

    Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes ?

    As the title suggests, I'm wondering if it is possible to view the content of iTunes Smart Playlists via Asset precisely as when viewed in iTunes.
    For years I've been using the Style menu item to view the content of my iTunes Smart Playlists, which is sorta, kinda o.k, but messy because all TIT1 Grouping tags (Style) appear as one long list, each one in a folder, but not sub-grouped as in iTunes.

    A single Smart Playlist in iTunes can display a grouping of music which has multiple (Style) tags.
    Example, I have Classical Organ as an iTunes Smart Playlist, and ALL my classical organ recordings are contained in one view.. and within that view some of those albums may also be tagged for record label, or resolution etc...

    When browsing the above mentioned Style fields on my iPhone I would for example have to browse 3 individual Style folders in the above case:

    .classical organ.
    .decca. .classical organ.
    .96. .classical organ.

    So if I don't recall that one particular organ album was recorded at 96khz for example, and just search for it in the .classical organ. folder, it obviously wont appear and thus I will then have to move on to the next folder etc...
    Of course if I remembered the name of it I could just search from the main library view seach, but where this is perhaps more relevant is when I want to Jukebox play All of my Classical Organ sub-genre, it does not appear to be possible for the same reason.
    At least not anywhere as easily as when I sit in front of my computer running iTunes and just select Shuffle for the Classical Organ Smart Playlist !!

    Is there any means to effectively access or create the same functionality via Asset when viewing my library remotely ?

    In an iTunes Smart Playlist for the above case, it works because of the user definable fields: Match Following Rules : Grouping contains: .classical organ.
    So it's actually just one rule, which doesn't exclude any other tags if present, as long as .classical organ. is one of the tags ALL albums will appear in that particular Smart Playlist.
    Multiple rules can of course make Smart Playlists very 'smart' (!) I guess, but in essence I would like at least an ability for Style tags to work in some similar semblance.

    Perhaps it's just not feasible this way, but is there any other possible means to achieve similar within Asset ?

    I tried exporting a Smart Playlist from iTunes using the inbuilt M3U export, so that I could see it in the Playlists view in Asset, but that is far worse as although it works, all I get is a massive long list of tracks for the entire playlist.
    I tried all permutations of adding child folders to the Playlist tree to try and make it sort the albums into folders of Artist, Album etc... to absolutely no avail, the most I could do was arrange them alphabetically.
    Actually, I could not get album artwork to display either, which I believe should be possible ?

    I may be intellectually challenged, but I've been giving it my best !

    Any and all suggestions are most appreciated ;-)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes

    Dynamic browsing option might do what you require.


    • Coolhand

      • Apr 2015
      • 25

      Re: Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes

      O.k.. this is a start !
      I must admit that I've not experimented with Dynamic browsing.
      Just now looking around the forum in relation to a similar topic I came across the following post below which does suggest that not only can I create an accumulated number of selections, but also most importantly that I may be able to SAVE these each as individual selectable menu items for immediate access, in which case I certainly could create titled entries equating to my Smart Playlists ;-)

      What is the required syntax in order to enter this in the file browsing tree, the poster appears to be using the &, + and [ ] symbols, but mentions that spaces (?) need to be used.
      Is there a user guide to using the Dynamic Browsing option when creating the tree structure (or any specifics to be aware of when creating multiple browser tree directories) ??
      FYI - I'm running Asset on an OSX Mac Mini

      I just posted this, and had copied the message below from another poster, but for some reason the formatting is all wacked up with COLOR nonsense added in, that makes it almost totally unreadable, so I've just added the url link to the post in question.
      Hi, I love the random playlists generated by the Jukebox track feature but like many collectors I like to have everything accessible when browsing but would prefer to be able to exclude a large chunk of the music. For instance I don't want any classical music and then there are a lot of the albums that I would like to exclude.

      Re: best way to focus jukebox playlists

      Hi Martin!
      I do exactly what you want. You use the exclusions as Spoon says, but you can then also have a short cut that goes straight there. It's a little complicated but from my plain text browse tree:
      Exclusions for Random Playlists**Additional&+&[COLOR=*43A6DF]Dynamic[/COLOR] [COLOR=*43A6DF]Browsing[/COLOR]&+& [Exclude]&+&Genre&+&Rap&+& [Exclude]&+&Genre&+&Musical&+& [Exclude]&+&Genre&+&Instrumental&+& [Exclude]&+&Genre&+&Punk
      The spaces need to be there.
      So in your case, to only exclude Classical, you'd want something simpler:
      Non-Classical Random Playlists**Additional&+&[COLOR=*43A6DF]Dynamic[/COLOR] [COLOR=*43A6DF]Browsing[/COLOR]&+& [Exclude]&+&Classical

      You may also like to know I also have a Favourites tag - I have tagged around 100 of my most favourite albums/tracks and have a Favourites tree:
      Favourites\Jukebox Album Selection
      Favourites\Jukebox Track Selection

      This is actually easier to do in Minim, but with Asset you need to add the tag to a hidden file on the NAS.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes

        See the section on browse tree here:



        • Coolhand

          • Apr 2015
          • 25

          Re: Is it possible view iTunes Smart Playlists with Asset PRECISELY as seen in iTunes

          Aha... crucial sound bwoy, thank you !!

